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Running Plates

In Texas the motorcycle safety course counts as the riding portion of the endorsement. The written test mostly comes from the course as well so for my money, take the safety course, take the written test and get the endorsement.

I know there are better riders than I am who did not take the course or get the endorsement, but they may not be a safer rider than I am. I wear a helmet but resent the fact that it might be required by law. To me that is a matter of choice but I have no problem with requiring that you demonstrate basic riding skills and knowledge to legally ride.
I have tried to get the guys at work to go get there license. They may get by with it for awhile but they will get caught one day. one of the guys said he has been riding for over ten years without them. I can not see why they will not take the time to go get them. The other two have went as far as taking the written portion but they have not went back to take the riding.
OK if you don't have a motorcycle endorsement. Do you have insurance? I was just wondering if your insurance could somehow get out of paying a claim because you are not a licensed driver?

Better yet don't insurance companies run your license and ask how long you have been a licensed rider? They did me.

Just a thought
OK if you don't have a motorcycle endorsement. Do you have insurance? I was just wondering if your insurance could somehow get out of paying a claim because you are not a licensed driver?

Better yet don't insurance companies run your license and ask how long you have been a licensed rider? They did me.

Just a thought

They do here and if you don't have a valid license you don't get insurance.if you have a couple tickets you get expensive insurance,if you have more than a couple you are put on what they call facility insurance $5000.00 a year for basic insurance ,no collision coverage!
these are all great reasons why and why not to have the prober DL/safety equipment. The Department of the Army now requires all Soldiers to have all of the above, MSF Course, DL endoursement, Soldiers no matter on or off duty must have DOT Helment, long sleve (EDIT), pants, over the ankle boots, safety googles or approved eye weareven if you have a winshield, full fingered gloves, and a safty vest or belt to be visiable all the way around. they must have all this regardless off the state law, it really sucks in the sumer. so those of you who are have to make a few changes Soldiers fell your pain.

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I don't agree with the law that you have to have a "special" endorsement or license to ride a motorcycle, but I have one anyway. It's far less hassle to go with the flow sometimes, and sometimes rebellion just isn't the answer. In Washington State where I live they made it sound like a good idea to pass and endorsement law by saying that all the money would go to motorcycle safety and training:pelao Yeah Right!
The reason I don't agree with the law is because it makes no sense. If you have to have a special endorsement/license to ride a bike then it should apply to everyone. everyone should have a different type of license for what they drive. One for a car, one for a van, one for a pickup or SUV. How Many people out there took a test in little 4 banger type car and now are driving around in Jacked up 4X4 SUV with over sized tires and a big push bar on the front to make sure when they run into something they destroy what they ran into with minimal damage to their own rig.
I don't think people should have to pay to take the test to get the license to drive/ride what they ride (unless they fail once) But I think we should all be able to prove we are capable of driving,handling and controlling what we take on the roads that we have to share with millions of other.

Couldnt agree with you more Wildspirit.When I took my bike test in 92 my regular liscence expired 2 months after passing my bike test.I had to pay for the bike liscence and asked if I could renew my auto liscence at the same time? Nope, had to renew 2 months later.Its a revenue source and they will not give it up.Its kind of comical if you ask me.They'll give you a permit allowing you to drive a bike solo {of course you gotta pay for that permit} after simply passing a multiple choice test.Yet they will justify the need for seperate liscences based on the skill set required to operate a different vehicle.

I don't want to alarm anyone...BUT...

I was talking with a sales guy at AD Farrows in Columbus the other day. He told me that the police in Ohio are going to start running the plates on bikes they see on the road next year to make sure the operator is licensed.

Apparently in Ohio 6 in 10 motorcyclists are operating without a license.

Perhaps someone out there may know if this is true or not? Is this standard operating procedure in the state you are in?

Im lost as to how running a bike plate tells you if the operator is liscenced?Registered and insured maybe but liscenced?
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In the state of Kentucky, you can get a motorcycle permit and some even renew it every year rather than take the riding test. The clincher is, you are not allowed to ride out of state with only a motorcycle permit. You get caught riding without a license, you go to jail, period. Insurance gets hold of the info and then you have to take out a loan to afford insurance!!!
When you run the plates... it tells your endorsments. I learned the lesson the hard way. It was a cheap Honda when I was learning to ride. No permit + no endorsement + towing + storage + fine = lots of money. Get your endorsement! Money you save, you can buy a Harley! :)
We all have learned from the school of hard knocks:lero:newsmile071::newsmile071: