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Serious, Safe Riding Tips (from experience)

Throttle can get you into trouble and it can get you out of trouble. For some reason (I'll let someone who can explain it in a manner that makes sense) in a turn if you start to feel like you are drifting out of the turn a little too much all you gotta do is give it a little throttle and the bike for some reason pulls itself back into the turn. I don't know why but it works. Of course if you are simply going too fast it ain't gonna work!

I'd like to add to that, look where you want to go. If you start to drift for what ever reason, turn your head where you want to go and as mentioned, give some throttle. As they call it in advanced class, it's "magic".
Ugly John
Be VERY careful after a fresh rain. When the rain first starts, it raises all the oils from the cagers on the roadways and until it washes away, the road is extremely slick. Roads are very dangerous after a fresh rain in a metro area. Be careful brothers.
Be VERY careful after a fresh rain. When the rain first starts, it raises all the oils from the cagers on the roadways and until it washes away, the road is extremely slick. Roads are very dangerous after a fresh rain in a metro area. Be careful brothers.

Good point.Park yourself under a bridge for a while and let the rain wash the oils out of the road. Rain is one thing ,but the oil it brings up from the leaky vehicles and tire rubber is something completely different
Pretend no one can see you because half the time they don't. For example, last summer I was getting off the Interstate. I was make a right turn onto a 4 lane. Directly across from me is a pick-up making a left. The guy looked straight at me. I pull out and make my right and makes his left right after. We get in our lanes me right, him left. No more than 1/8 of a mile, he veers into my lane right on top of me. I swerved and gunned it to get out of the way. I pulled into the next station and the guy pulls in behind me. He apologizes and said he just didn't see me. I told him he had just looked straight at me when I was getting off the Interstate. He replied "there wasn't anybody getting off the Interstate when he was turning." I was invisible!
As a safe riding tip I want you to know that the sign "open range" means BIG FAT RED COW IN MIDDLE OF LANE AROUND NEXT SHARP BLIND TURN!

ride safe
:42: Well, it just happened. Yesterday while scootin' at about 55-60 mph with no on-coming traffic, a gravel shoulder on both sides, a dog (medium size) runs right out in front of me. I believe I accelerated ever-so-slightly, held firm to the handlebars (not much time to do otherwise!) and hoped to "ride thru it", onto the other side (of safety). No braking, no avoiding the hazard. :small3d011: As I sit here now, after a nights rest, I think that THINKING about control and being a survivor, helped. I know I'll be eeking out every bit of "lesson" (and sharing them) from this incident for some time to come. My little bell hanging under my left foot board was the only other 'casualty', as it was pinched together tightly. RIP little pet, I wish we hadn't met up as we did. ((i did stop and talk to the owner)) :42:

Glad to read that you had presence of mind to to logically and safely react to this. Pray this is your one and last experience. Harold
I'm always amazed and wonder way some postings seem to get such strong traffic while other (very good threads) get little or none at all. Your thread has certainly started quite a bit of chatter here - good for you.

On to my thoughts... first off - move to a climate like Florida which gives you 12 months of riding - that allows one to hone their skills!! On to a more serious note, add a head light modulator ($35.00 via JC Whitney) Several of the postings here have stated the issue of not being seen. The modulator makes your headlight pulse and I swear it catches peoples attention.
I always try to keep a "buffer zone" around me, never letting anything get too close. but I also tend to try to stay near a pack, I find if there is a break in groups of cars, and you hang there, the dumb cagers somehow look right through you and pull out infront of you, well me anyway. Loud pipes AND airhorn have saved me a couple times. Also Road rage doesn't pay if someone cuts you off just pretend it's your grams, and stay away from them. swearing and gesturing, or trying to cut them off doesn't pay. (since they weigh 6-10 times as much as me and my bike, and are surounded by sheet metal) And lastly if you see someone on their cell phone, stay away, they are the worst for cutting you off.