:42: Well, it just happened. Yesterday while scootin' at about 55-60 mph with no on-coming traffic, a gravel shoulder on both sides, a dog (medium size) runs right out in front of me. I believe I accelerated ever-so-slightly, held firm to the handlebars (not much time to do otherwise!) and hoped to "ride thru it", onto the other side (of safety). No braking, no avoiding the hazard. :small3d011: As I sit here now, after a nights rest, I think that THINKING about control and being a survivor, helped. I know I'll be eeking out every bit of "lesson" (and sharing them) from this incident for some time to come. My little bell hanging under my left foot board was the only other 'casualty', as it was pinched together tightly. RIP little pet, I wish we hadn't met up as we did. ((i did stop and talk to the owner)) :42: