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Serious, Safe Riding Tips (from experience)

all great reminders here for SAFE riding - thanks. Seems to me nowadays, I read more and more about motorcyclist being killed by a cage hitting them either head on or from the rear. I am getting much more concerned about these dang cell phone texters (mostly young folks) as well as the older crowd behind the wheels at intersections and side roads. I am not sure we can do much about someone running over you from behind. But, the people on cell phones and drifting in and out of lanes and not paying attention in general and especially to MC's, that is just way tooooo dangerous. Everyone, please be careful - expect them to pull out in front of you - cover your brake levers/pedals when approaching intersections etc. Thats my advice.

Ditto to all that SledDog said. And I would add, know your limitations. Just because your buddy can pop a wheelie on his 'Glide, doesn't mean you should follow. We all come to the road with different abilities and experience. Know your limitations.
A couple of things I have always done. I favor the left of the road, it gives you a margin if someone sticks their nose out. (Dogs) Also they can see you better in their side view mirror. The middle of the lane has all of the oil, when it first rains it can be very slick. Never sit at a light in first gear, if someone "taps" you from behind, it will pull you hand off of the clutch, while you roll on the throttle and lay on your sissy bar. Next thing you know you are going through an intersection with no hands. I lost a friend that way. Be very vigilant. In a cage, it's a fender bender. On a bike it's fatal. I've been riding since there were no passenger side mirrors.Ride safe. Bus Driver.
Never sit at a light in first gear, if someone "taps" you from behind, it will pull you hand off of the clutch, while you roll on the throttle and lay on your sissy bar. Next thing you know you are going through an intersection with no hands. I lost a friend that way.

This is why I DO keep it in first gear when I stop while keeping an eagle eye on my mirrors. Gives you at least some kind of option to get out of the way if the approaching vehicle looks like it isn't going to stop in time. Only after I'm sure the following vehicle is stopping do I consider putting it in neutral and giving my clutch hand a break.

Very sorry about your friend. I guess it just shows that NO strategy is going to be correct 100% of the time.
Dr. Doolittle,
I'm with you on that strategy. Once I have a car stopped behind me I'll pop it into neutral to relax, but until then I'm ready to go at an instant's notice, paying attention to traffic coming from the sides in case I need to shoot across