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Slow forum

Here is my tracert results from my windows 10 laptop
there are a few servers this side of the pond not responding so slows the route down just like if I was on a journey on bike or car and a road is closed I look for an alternative route but it takes a wee bit longer to get to my destination with each closed road adding to the journey time to the end destination but I will get there eventually
Internet data does the same however if the web browser does not get a reply in a timely fashion it will time out and stop trying to display the web page

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 3 ms 1 ms 1 ms
2 * * * Request timed out.
3 * * * Request timed out.
4 23 ms 32 ms 21 ms
5 43 ms 56 ms 48 ms []
6 23 ms 24 ms 43 ms
7 44 ms 22 ms 22 ms []
8 121 ms 112 ms 98 ms []
9 123 ms 113 ms 104 ms []
10 107 ms 110 ms 106 ms []
11 129 ms 122 ms 146 ms []
12 163 ms 152 ms 118 ms []
13 122 ms 119 ms 120 ms []
14 146 ms 141 ms 143 ms []
15 129 ms 125 ms 120 ms []
16 120 ms 120 ms 120 ms

Trace complete

I guess I opened a can of worms with my thread, that wasn't my intention.
I'm still baffled why I have to refresh the page to get my sign on screen and also have to refresh the page to make a comment.
As stated in an earlier post I've tried 3 different computers with the same results. It's not the end of the world for me to have to refresh the page but it's kind of a pain.
Jeff try a traceroute and perhaps you will see if there are delays between your site and the forum if there are too many delays a timeout will occur and you will have to keep trying till you get a quick enough response

It may also be worth trying to use a proxy server as a start point
You would need to find a free proxy service and go to that site then put in the hdtimeline address and the proxy service would then collect the data for you and pass to your browser although slower than browsing directly it may be quicker than trying to go through your current route if there are a lot of hold up's
