Active Member
I'll be checkn mine , and reconfiguing if needed, tanight ! By the way, you guys are SPOT ON, the Dobeck IS the BOMB.
I do not think it matters which Dobeck injector wire pair you connect to which injector wires, but it does matter which HD OEM wire connects (through the TFI) to the front and rear. The color scheme that Glider provided above is specifying which set of wires goes to the front injector, and which goes to the back injector. That should remain the same. Just put the Dobeck connectors in series with the current setup. This is easy to do if you do them one at a time!!
Well I thought I was almost done, Now I,m not sure which set I put on the front injector, I'll pull the connectors of the front injector when I get home in the morning. I am curious though why there is never any mention about the red wires on the TFI? One set has a single red and the other set has two red. Just curious.
They will only go on one way, according to the instructions, unplug the connector on the injector and plug the TFI connector (only the correct one will fit) into the injector, then plug the connector you unplugged from the injector into the connector that's attached to the TFI connector you plugged in, repeat for the next one.Another question that might seem dumb to you guys but here it is anyway. Each line that comes off of the tfi has 2 connectors. Which connector plugs into the one thats the bike now and which one goes to the injector itself? If i'm not clear let me know and I will try and clarify.