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The have & the have nots

I've dumped my bikes a few times over the years, always as the result of doing something I shouldn't have.
Any tumble you can talk about after is good, especially if you learn things like A) come to a complete stop and B) when the front wheel is turned, the front brake is not your friend (and C) take the (EDITED) disc lock OFF before trying to ride away:D)

I bet leaving the lock on was a big
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I have had a few close calls with them California stops. Really should just stop!!!
I think this post may make STOP LOOK then GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for your spill but glad to were not hurt to bad.
Be safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's a "California stop"?
just to make you all smile as it did for us when out riding, we were out as a club and following a Goldwing, we pull up at a set of light and the Wing just falls over no, repsonse from the rider, no evasive actions nada, squat, nothing.
We all get off and run over to help - cant leave a fellow biker lying in the road with his bike on top of him, get there to help and he is in bits there are tears of laughter pouring down his face, he is laughing so hard we had problems getting him out the road, turns out he had just removed the sidecar and forgot it was not there :D

Now that would have been something to witness. I'll bet he had you all laughing.
I am a full member of this club. 6 different bikes over the years, and the current one that is one month new to me is the only one without the designation.

Also, the club division splits us into 3 sections.

Those that have.
Those that will.
Those that do not ride.
welcom to the clud as long as you don't make a habbit of it benn riding for over 35 years haven't put the last two bikes down but have been there a couple of times over the years gotta watch out for the deer and them darn turkeys it like hitting a bowling ball at
65 MPH it hurts glad your ok

ride safe ride often
Lifting up a bike on it's side requires TECHNIQUE that is best learned in the comfort of your garage, your favorite ride on soft cardboard and terry towels, good idea to drain the gas or most of it.

Here is a link to how even a 5' 2" gal can pick up a BMW Adventure bike on it's side (those bikes are tall and top heavy)...

Pink Ribbon Rides

Oh...I "joined" the club in November 2009...parking lot, hit speed bump, high centered bike, stopping bike cold...gggeeennntttlllyyy lowered it down on to the rightside engine guard...minor scrape on the right highway peg and scuffed my boot :27: No harm no foul...did you notice how strong you become (or how light the bike got) when adrenelin is pumping? :newsmile105:
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Have. I had not rode in 20 yrs. People told me not if, but when. I bought a new bike, rode across the dealers lot to get my helmet from the car. Stopped, put my foot down and there must have been a little dip in the asphalt. Over I went. No damage. Just the pride.