I have been wondering for a while now if you all would be ok with a little update....Excuse me if this sounds strange . Jeff is doing ok with his radiation treatment on his hip and now his brain..In about a week or so he will be starting chemo. Dr said there is a 30 percent chance he may have a year with treatment......He is still quite aware of whats going on and he has a strong will and is loved ..I pray for him and my wife...I been staying busy with work during the day and boy am I glad my business is at home...I must admit I sometimes have a cold one after work and think about this for a hour or so before I put on my happy face
and go in for supper....I no this sounds weird but I feel lucky that I am able to help him and his mom thought this..I no that as time goes on there will be alto more tension in the house .I wish I could do more here for them..
I also hope you all have a great thanksgiving......Mark.......PS ..I am looking forward to a spring ride :s..