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To wave or not to wave

Never thought of it as a wave. I was taught, in the late 60's, by the old timer who helped me build my first bike, to point two fingers to the ground. This was a prayer that the other biker would keep "two tires down".

I like this blessing !
Waving is probably good, I prefer the "two-down". Sometimes I don't wave at RiceRockets... sometimes I wave at all riders...
I'm breaking in a new 09 SG, and riding all kinds of back roads, highways, etc. Yesterday I got a great wave, I live in PA near several areas with Amish in them, and I got a great return wave from an Amish fellow, probably about 25-30 years old with a really long brown beard, who was driving (standing up, Jakey must be a little bit of a rebel) a four horse-power wagon (literally) going in the opposite direction. The weather is great at the moment, and I'm going to go play hookey some more and get the break-in done this week.
Never thought of it as a wave. I was taught, in the late 60's, by the old timer who helped me build my first bike, to point two fingers to the ground. This was a prayer that the other biker would keep "two tires down".

Thanks DD.
From now on it's two fingers to the ground, for every bike.