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To wave or not to wave

I wave, and appreciate receiving them in return. I will wave at any motorcyclist, regardless of style or manufacturer. As far as I'm concerned, all motorcyclists need to stick together and watch out for one another. I have to say, though, even though those on scooters share many of the same dangers/obstacles as those on an MC, I just can't get myself to wave to the guy in a polo shirt, khaki shorts with a braided belt, and top-sider shoes with no socks. Sometimes, I just see the single headlight coming in my direction, and my arm goes out by reflex... that, and I would rather concentrate on the road than focus on determining if the oncoming 2 wheeler is "wave worthy." If a scooter rider initiates a wave, I will return it, however.

If you wave at me, and I don't wave back, it's because I am focusing on the task at hand. One time, I saw a guy give me a wave from basically 6 lanes away (he was on the other side of a major road). I saw it too late to return it, but whenever I see a bike, and it is safe for me to wave, I do so. Otherwise a nod... it's just good karma.

I likewise will acknowledge cars that don't turn in front of me, or otherwise violate my right of way, with a wave or a nod. I always let pedestrians go at a stop sign, instead of zooming in front of them. I figure any sort of positive PR we can do, may just help us out on the road. Also, if kids are selling lemonade on the corner, I always stop and buy some.

Good post

I wave at all riders and tthat includes youngsters on bicylces. I dont get offended if i dont get a wave back. I do it for the pleasure of saying hello and in my mind be safe and be blessed on your trip.:lero
this is an long time debate----I first saw the "wave" on the Hwy from Vegas to LA in the early 70's a very hard core biker in the truest sense of the word, hardtail, bedroll, and he was a 3 patch, he only waved to --what I took to be his riding brothers, identified by their gear. I never saw the wave again until I moved to the west coast and started riding in Washington State, 13 years ago----then everyone waved- now (this last weekend) the "bagger" crowd did for the most part ignore my wife and I on our bikes when we waved.

I have been tricked into waving at the latest style of SKOOTERS, almost a motorcycle but not quite this has to stop
...If someone in a car notices us, then wave (not bike wave, but "regular-people" wave)....

I've been commuting all summer on a metric 250 and try to wave to everyone... even scooters and especially HD. It doesn't bug me if there is no return wave. Lots of times I can't wave because I'm too busy negotiating traffic all around me. (I am in Los Angeles and the heart of heavy traffic.) I often wondered if there was a proper wave for bikers. Reading Technologies reply prompted my questions.

1. What is the proper "Bike wave"
2. Is there an HD wave?
i way at every Buddy weather it a moped or a cop your on to wheels and it fun for Evey one ha ha
Yup, we need to wave at the scooters too. :D I see these guys out in all conditions, pouring rain or 20*. I'm not even out there in those conditions, I'm a fair weather rider & I know it but don't mind. Wave at the kids too, they may grow up to be bikers too. :s
i try to wave at anyone on a motorcycle, not scooter. sometimes you just can't return or give a wave due to things going on at the time around you.
If I can't return a wave due to turning, clutching..... I either raise two fingers up while holding the grip/clutch or return a wave with a knob.