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To wave or not to wave

There far are too many distractions on the road without having to worry about "DO I WAVE OR NOT".

I do not wave in the city.
I do not wave to riders seperated by a medium on the road
I do not wave to riders if more than 4 lanes.

I do stop for rider's in trouble on the side of the highway.

Amen to that!

I do "try" and wave to all, but sometimes I miss some.
i definitlel think that a head nod is the exceptble thing to do at a light , sometimes you can,t get the wave in there, and if you tried you would probably tip over
I wave to all bikers including police. Just about all wave back. I sometimes get a surprised look from other (not harley) bikers like they were not expecting a harley rider to wave. It's about the ride!!!!
I try to wave to as often as I can. If I'm on an interstate with a concrete median wall, I may not wave; just depends on traffic. Even wave at night sometimes, although I can't tell if the other bikers are waving back or not.
I didn't when I started riding in June. I was just plain afraid of the bike, after all I did kinda hurt my self on my enduro the last bike I had. This is the biggest thing I have ever ridden. I think I remember too much of my pedal bike days, ah the memories, the blood loss,lol.:s