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To wave or not to wave

I wave 99% of the time. But it is getting a little out of hand. There are many more bikes than there used to be.
I wave most of the time. I agree though that sometimes it's not appropriate ie, keeping your eyes on the road, or the pretty girl on the sidewalk!

When I was about 16 (many years ago) I owned a Honda XL250 (great bike) and I was driving from Whangarei to Auckland returning to the Navy after Xmas leave when I got hit by the biggest downpour this side of the Pecos and the bike stopped. Well, here in NZ we used to have little sheds (more like a box really) out the front of each farmers driveway called bobby calf sheds where the farmers put the calves they didn't want for collection by the meatworks (jeez that sounds pretty gross!) Anyway, no wet weather gear, rain's pouring down and I'm getting soaked - so I crawled inside one of these tiny sheds to wait it out.

Out of the distance I hear this thunder rolling in,,,, getting closer,,, and closer,,, hell,, the whole shed was shaking!! ,, what the heck??? Sticking my soaking head out of this shed I see this monster of a Harley (couldn't even tell ya what is was) pull up amidst the downpour and this HUGE guy all decked out in black leathers gets off and walks over;
"What seems to be the problem son?"
"Well,,, ah,, sir (I splutterred, half drowned) "My bike's stopped"
"Hell, boy,,, I can see that!,,, what's wrong with it?"
"Dunno,, sir"
"Well you're not gonna fix it hiding in there,,, c'mon,, let's have a look"

Well, to cut a long story short, it turned out to be a blown fuse and this guy casually takes out a packet of cigarettes and tears a bit of foil off the inner packing and wraps it around the fuse - BINGO! The bike started first pop. Jeez,, I was still picking my jaw up off the ground as this guy thundered off into the distance.

Since then I always stop for a fellow rider stranded on the side of the road and I promised myself there and then I was going to own a Harley one day.

If you're out there,,, sir!,,, thanks very much - you changed the life of one very wet teenage boy!

Big Al
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Joyfly,I too notice alot more waves when I'm riding solo. I even got alot of
waves from HD guys when I was riding my little Rebel250.
DMAN144, Great story!

As far as waving...

The reason I got a Harley was so I could wave! I got my first bike in 1983... a little kawasaki 400 or 440 (can't remember, cuz I knew NOTHING about bikes). I was living West Coast, and rode it everyday. Waving became ingrained, even after the time the old dude on the Harley REFUSED to acknowledge that I was also riding a motorcycle!

Flash forward to 2002, I finally bought my Harley (now on the east coast)... and married.

I wave to everyone, unless twoup... then da wife is in charge... I explained the rules:

1. Wave to ALL bikers. ESPECIALLY those that wave FIRST!
2. Wave to ALL little kids... and older people that wave as we go by!
3. Wave to all schoolbuses (not the driver, the kids)
4. Wave to all police and firemen (in vehicles, on bikes, or standing by the road).
5. DO NOT wave to truckers (unless they wave first)... no flirting!
6. DO NOT wave to scooters, vespas, MOPEDS, etc.
7. If someone in a car notices us, then wave (not bike wave, but "regular-people" wave). Or nod.... or give thumbs up back to them, if that is what they did first.
8. Wave at anybody you want to wave at... anytime, and for any reason. Ignore all the rules, and just have fun!

I follow the rules myself. UNLESS for some reason (safety, traffic, rain, stop light, etc.) I can't... and then I try to acknowledge a wave by at least nodding.

and yes, I wave to bike cops... and most wave back... I especially like to wave as I am passing them going the same direction! It lets them know that I saw them, and that I KNOW I am speeding, and to give me a break... cuz I am probably late for work! Sometimes I follow the bike cops on the highway... cuz I can go a little faster, and they seem to enjoy having someone to ride along. I also alert all other drivers (in cages too) that there is a cop ahead.... just as they are driving past me. That suprises most cagers, and they quickly decelerate, then give me a thumbs up! I think of it as building a future relationship (they will look at the next biker they pass, and see if he has any info to pass on!!!). At least they will look for bikers!

Lastly, the wave itself... not quite a "slow down" signal, not quite a "left turn"... kinda between. Mine is also kinda like a 3 finger wave, the thumb and first 2 fingers loose, the last 2 fingers rolled kinda tight. No thumbs up, or pointing-type wave for me.

As far as when, I wave? ALL the time. I wave at night, across a divided highway, from 3 lanes away... if they see it, good, if not, no prob. If someone doesn't wave back (even if I know they saw me), I don't care... I figure they are related to that old grumpy Harley guy in California, those 25 years ago. :p
I wave to anyone on a bike moving or standing still. If I cannot wave I nod. Most wave or nod back but I don't get torqued up if they don't.

If a cager doesn't pull out in front of me from a side street, I nod or wave to them when I go by. I don't know if they know why but I appreciate the fact that they didn't pull out.

I never use any sign language or shake my fist but I will point at anyone who does something dumb. Some day this may get me into trouble but I want to let them know I saw them.

Unlike some local bikers I come to a complete stop and put my left foot down then look both ways before moving. This tends to make cagers mad as they don't know how to come to a complete stop or yield right of way. I suppose this comes from owning the road.

I always wave at kids but sometimes get a scowl from mom or dad. I figure there is a little rebel in all of us so we might as well help them get it going at a young age so they won't forget like mom and dad.

Ride safe and keep the dream alive. Someday all we will have are our memories.
To me, if they are on 2 wheels WAVE. Most are just riding for the enjoyment anyway. Just cause they have different tastes in what they ride, who cares.
When I first started riding it made me feel good to be recognized by other bikers... Still does... So I wave to all riders... I wave at kids if they're watching me ride by. I wave at anyone that waves at me. I nod at intersections when I can't wave. Like several have said it's about the ride what ever your taste...
I wave 99% of the time. But it is getting a little out of hand. There are many more bikes than there used to be.
You think it is bad on a bike, try going out on the boat on a holiday weekend :small3d023: Everywhere you go there a 10 people staring at you waving, like they just won the sweepstakes..
I wave, we're out there together against all the idiots with their cell phones, make-up, donuts, coffee, razor and whatever else they can find at the moment to hold onto. I commute 120 miles round trip and it's nice to acknowledge and to be acknowledged....WAVE at folk, it doesn't hurt anyone, nod if'n ya can't wave.