Hey, it's me again. Guess I should give a little background on why I'm messing with the carb in the first place. Hope I don't bore y'all with the details here, but better tmi than not enough.
Rode an '82 Anniversary edition Sporty for 25 yrs. 3 yrs. ago decided to upgrade. Got a 2000 Heritage Softail with 14K miles on it from the original owner. Some rich guy, didn't know a thing about bikes, so had the dealer do all the work on it. Bike is immaculate. Only thing he did to it other than routine maintenance was put on a high flow air filter and V&H 2 into 1 pipes. He said the dealer rejetted the carb with the new pipes, but he didn't know what size they were. It ran great, so who cares what size they were. Not too long after I bought it, I put on V&H longshots. Didn't like the looks or sound of the 2 into 1. The long shots looked and sounded much better and it didn't affect performance at all.
Now for the problem..... about a month ago, (23K miles) I changed my oil, filter, primary gasket and fluid, new battery, and new plugs. The old plugs were in there since I've had it, but they still looked real good. Put in new ones anyway. Rode it about 300 miles. Rode great. Shifting was a little quieter too. Two weeks ago I went for a long ride and about 30 miles into it, it popped once thru the carb. Then ran fine for about 10 more miles and it popped again. Every 10 miles it would make one pop thru the carb. Came home about 150 miles later and thought one of the new plugs might be fouled. Took them out and they looked new still, but went back to the old plugs just to see if that made a dif. Rode it again, and same thing. Every 10 miles one pop, but it ran great between pops. Ok, might be something stuck in the carb. Bought a rebuild kit from the dealer last Friday. Saturday I rebuilt it. Opened up the carb and it looked real clean. Changed gaskets, O-rings anyway. Blew out holes with my compressor. Jets are 48 slow and 190 main. I see Mr. Data says 48 might be too big for a stock motor, but it ran great for 3 years prior. Just ordered a 46 and one of those EZ just air mixture screws, but haven't got them yet so I put it back together the way it was. The plug had already been drilled out and it looked like they went to far and buggered up the head of the screw. I took it out and used my hack saw to make a groove that I could get my screwdriver into for adjustments. Put on new O-ring, washer, and original spring. Backed it out 2 turns from lightly seated. Put it back on the bike and it started right up after the carb filled up with gas. I only use 93 octane gas. Let it warm up and adjusted the air screw. Turned it about 1 full turn in and then two full turns out and didn't notice and difference in the motor sound. Set it back to 2 turns out and went for a ride. 1st - 4th gear sounded great. Hit the highway at about 55-60 mph, winding it out a little bit in 4th gear. Popped it in 5th gear, gave it the gas and it started popping thru the carb again, only this time instead of one pop every 10 miles, it's popping about 10 times every mile. Didn't go too far like that. Came home. Why would it pop in 5th gear at 3-4K rpm, but not in 1st-4th gear at 3-4K rpm??? I don't have a tach on the bike, so I'm just guessing at rpm's here. Any ideas why it's popping worse??? The diaphram isn't pinched (made sure of that before I put the top cover on). It's very clean. No leaks. Should I swap the 48 jet to the 46 when I get it, even though it ran great with the 48 for 3 yrs. Should I put the two #4 washers under the needle??? Should I drill out the slide like I've read about??? Some say it's better to, some say don't do it. Is the 190 main jet too big??? If I could just get it running like it did two weeks ago, I'd be happy again. I know this was a long post and you're probably tired of reading it by now, if you got this far, but like I said, I wanted to give a detailed account of what was going on. I know how hard it can be to attempt to diagnose something online with only a little bit of info.
Any help, advice, suggestions, etc. would be greatly appreciated. :bigsmiley12: