I don't want to hijack the thread,but if the American People & companies are truly worried about giving their money away to other countries then they need to step up to the plate and start reintroducing some Quality workmanship and some pride in their product and quit farming out parts to outside countries!!! :s
American companies just cannot match the foreign labor.
In foreign markets the labor is cheaper, but that is not the biggest factor. All the extras like paid time off, unemployment payments, healthcare, etc. cost a decent company a large amount over what shows as your hourly wage or salary. Then add in costs to meet OSHA regs, inspection fees and fines, EPA regs, land costs, property taxes, and lots that I am leaving out.
I can only give good numbers for software developers, so here they are.
American Developer - total cost for a year runs in the 120k range for everything all totaled.
Indian Developer - total cost for a year runs about 50k.
I imagine it is worse with labor intensive jobs in dangerous job with environmentally unfriendly work, say experienced machinist for tight tolerance sports car engines. With all the costs associated with chemical hazards, physical hazards, injuries (back pain that goes on for years, crushed limbs, or just metal filings), Union headaches, and pension plans I am betting they end up with a total cost per overseas worker at less than 30% what they end up paying here. Along with being able to build anything and anywhere they want, work people hours slaves would balk at, and ignore the environment and citizen environmental protectors (Greenies) there is no incentive at all to bring work back.