My first bike way back in 1972 was a Honda Scrambler. Had a friemd ride it home for me from the store where I bought it 'cause I didn't know how to ride. After a few days, i was fine going through the gears. The lessons of the road would come later. Loved that bike. Powerful memories with me & my girlfriend on the back. Next was a 1974 AMF Sportster 1000cc. I had arrived! Had to sell the bike the next year due to 2nd DUI! Then I went without riding for about eight years until I bought another Honda. I think it was 500 0r 550 CC's, I forget. It was too small for me and my wife as we had both put on a little weight so I bought a 650 Kawaski which I have ridden for over 25 years! it was the longest lived vehicle of any kind that I have ever owned! All the while I wanted to get back to HD's again so when the opportunity came a few years ago, I bought my '03 Ultra Classic. I love it! I really appreciate it because it is by far and away the best bike that I have ever owned.
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