What did I give up? A little financial security. I sold the house willed to me years ago by my parents. I took the down payment and paid of some pressing bills, then spent the rest on my bike. But the more significant issue here, is what did I GAIN? After just one season of riding this Harley, I have gained friends, thrills, memories, knowledge, experiences,and the fulfillment of a boyhood dream . . . to ride, not just a bike like the previous thrty-plus years, but a Harley!
I love seeing little fellas, stopping their play, to stand and stare as I motor by. The other day, I met a youngster on his bicycle, pedalling furiously along, intent on his mission. As soon as he heard me coming around the corner and getting on the exhaust a little, he skidded to a stop and with a face wide grin, he stood there giving me a thumbs up! (which I returned as well!) Looking in my mirror, I saw him remount and resume HIS ride. Now I wish I had stopped to show him the bike, maybe let him sit on it! (is that EVEN 'allowed' by a stranger in this screwed up world???) The next time I see a youngster like him, I'll chance that stop - maybe even take a picture too and send it to him, maybe tell him how to put playing cards on his bike with clothespins, to make some noise!:s
So you see, it's not so much what I gave up, but, more importantly, what I GAINED!