There is somthing unique about the fit and finish of a Harley from the look of the motor primary setup to the quality of the leather on the seat. lots of companys trying to memic the look and feel of a Harley but all u have to do is park a Honda or Yamaha cruiser next to a Harley and that other bike will be put in its palce.
If Harley started actualy making other things like Tv, lawn mowers not just puttin there name on products made by others for them but acctualy making other things they might as well chang there name to Honda. That what great about Harley they make BIKES been makin them for over 100 years now. Not cars, musical insturments, or lawn care stuff they make MOTORCYCLES.
Sweet! Yup, very true about HD being loyal to the motorcycle. Have you ever bought something other than a bike that Harley sell? non-motorcycle related maybe? I've heard from gator508 that things like license plates and clothing are some of the things to be bought. I guess you would use these when riding of course but I have also heard about playing cards and golf caddies/carts.
Unfortuantely I have to design something completely different than a motorcylce, it has got to be AV equipment. Picture a loud speaker billowing out sound like a concert hall
Thanks David,