It is my understanding that most products in this world are made by far fewer companies than the extensive list of brands would imply. As an example if Harley were to release a quad runner, it may be in a partnership with a Japanese company and the actual design may be only a small percentage of Harleys input. Most things that Harley brands for resale seem to have high quality standards, but they also cost more. I remember they branded a beer many years ago, but it never took off. Harley employs some great engineers and designers, so I would consider buying anything they actually designed and built. For now however I have not been disappointed in there branded merchandise.
On a side note, when you visit a dealer. The H-D on the sign stands for, “Hundred Dollars”, because that is the minimum cost to exit the store.
Hey Dr Evil,
Thanks for your reply! Did Harley go into partnership when they produced the snowmobiles,golf caddies etc? It does sound probable that another manufacturer who specialises in whatever Harley intended to make would join forces. It now seems that my av designs would need the skin of whatever I design (speaker/ control unit) to be designed using HD aesthetics/ visuals and the interior to contain something like SONY, PANASONIC, PHILIPS, CREATIVE/ BOSE etc etc. That was a great helping point, I knew what the sound had to produce in terms of Harley's company values, but didn't realise about how they would go about doing it. If they were to produce their own tech or use something more established.
Also, thats really cool to know that little slogan/ tagline. Is this something Harley made, or is it something that has been developed by you guys?
What does branding mean?
My definition is: Attempting to project the established, successful qualities of a current product onto a potentially unrelated item, with the intent of conferring "quality by name alone" based on past performance, to attain the goal of reducing marketing/advertising costs associated with a new, stand-alone product.
Second, there is a relatively easy market for those "faithful collectors" that want and collect "all things Harley Davison". Collectables, gifts, birthdays, holidays etc. Similar to sports teams and fans, it is a way to show your pride/support/fanaticism etc.
This second group comprises more family, friends and acquantainces of what I will call "the riders", although the two groups are certainly not exclusive.
To me, those that have a good experience with an HD motorcycle (the main product) are the ones that allow the spread of "the brand" to occur at a minimal advertising cost to those who don't own or ride.
So, the main audience up until the "boutique dealerships" with all the other "STUFF" in addition to motorcycles, was (and I believe still is) riders. I my opinion and experience, many are loyal to HD, most of us are accepting of just about anyone who rides, regardless of brand.
1.) HD motorcycles span everything from fully custom "bar stools" to commuter bikes, ridden every day. Trip to the local pub or cross country trour, it is almost all there. My take home message is: Your HD can be anything you want it to be. Basically it can be the ride of your dreams or a blank canvas, all in that stock bike sitting in the showroom.
2.) Quality through loyalty. Yes there are problems but in general you get a good balance of looks, performance and reliability. Too many variables here, but that is my gut feeling and experience today. (Some variables: Some riders ride HARD but they may also baby their scoot with maintenance and fluid changes at the same time. Also, I haven't observed many dirty bikes. Washing your ride is far from everything, but it says something about pride.) The riding community (HD and others) are pretty tight knitt in general and with the advent of the internet and boards like this, if people were being left stranded and having major quality issues (beyond the norm of any manufacturing process) you would know about it. Can HD afford to have something like this happen? I don't think so, but who knows if the loyalty would circumvent that. In this economy, I doubt it would. The other option is that HD fans enjoy paying hansomely for a terrible product. (Doubt that too...)
3.) Americana. Yeah, I like the banjo too, just because it is an American devised instrument. HD motorcycles have parts from all over the world but I still look at the styling, that motor and that sound as a direct link to the American Dream of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness through hard work (not entitlements), risk, pride and craftsmanship.
Did someone but the "HD Brand Speaker" because they think it is a high quality item, or because they thought that Uncle Ted, who has a Harley might like it?
Hi Porter,
Thanks for your message!
Branding means how a company relates itself to its consumers. This is made a reality through the use visual things like advertising, products, signs, logos, colours, packaging, services, but then you have things like; slogans, taglines, signage, websites, emails, direct mail, point of purchase, publications, trade shows, employees, endorsements. The list goes on and on. A brand bases itself around it's core values and its principals to develop a growing relationship with both its current consumers and all the potential consumers. Branding is also a means in which it distances itself from competitors, to gain an advantage in the markets. So yeah, using established, successful qaulities is one means in doing so, but there is a whole load of other stuff going on with a brand, not just the past products.
What I am doing is a dream project for any designer really. It gives me the chance to design something exciting. Using Harley Davidson to design a completely new product to the brand, whilst retaining the all important brand values and identity. If I was designing a motorbike I would use the same procedures. At the moment I am getting to grips with Harley Davidson as a brand and gaining an understanding of what you people, as owners, riders and consumers, think of the brand. The research gained here
will be used in my design process.
Yup, very true about showing support/ passion! thanks for raising the point! show of hands who buys everything with harley!?

Also porter, you mentioned something about friends and family (or those who do not own/ ride harleys) buying products because they have an understanding about harley because they know someone who does. Would you say this is "word of mouth"?; passing on the positives & negatives of a brand. Or would this be impulse buying?; in this instance of IB, you know its going to be a good quality product.
1. Is it important for you as customers to be able to customise a bike? have/do any of you customise other brands of bikes? Just thinking about av equipment here. Maybe there is someway of customising a speaker or projector to the consumer's liking>much more than just interchangeable covers. Thanks!
3. Very cool about the American Dream! takes me back to my history lessons at school

Thats really cool that you've noted this about HD, is it purely down to the era in which it was founded? (well a bit later towards the 30s). The other points you listed are very helpful too. Craftsmanship>I'll need to translate the Harley values from this touchpoint into the "skinning" of the av products. Thanks porter!
Haha, like your last note! I've not priced the av products yet, so I'll keep it in mind when I evaluate who is going to be the main customer.
Thanks a million Porter!
P.s. Guys, It probably would be a good idea if I was to post up my final rendered design on here once I have handed in my project, March 14th!! This way I would get kudos from my tutor

but you can all tear my design to shreads and say how un-HD it isn't :s. If I'm feeling brave I may post up chosen concepts about a week or two before the hand-in. Thanks guys
1000 views in 3 days! sweet. As my way of thanks to all of you who have helped and contributed here, I hereby declare I will be posting up copies of some rendered designs before the hand in. Lets say between 28thfeb-11th March. The pressure is on!