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What part of lane do you ride?

I Have Not read the Others posted here.. Figure I would Just say a LITTLE How I do it.

I take ALL positions on the highway in my lane and when Passing, Safety, speed and type of high way and vehicle commands me where..

If on a group ride, I like to ride stagger 2 and IF narrow and commanded to single file I do that.. then I center my ride.

I find it DIFFERS on any ride I do. I like the center Left but Move around IF a big truck is coming (but look in your rear Mirror before changing over to the right half) I have found many bikers sneak up and get way too close and should of Been INVITED to ride there NOT just assume it was OK...

Center of the road IF it is smoother and Not blackened with stains that are slippery. Heavy truck ruts are avoided then.

IF some Donkey is right on the rears of me, I will Usually give them a big Hands Back with my left and try to LOOK them in the eyes.. If that doesn't work, I get out of their way BUT demand that they lane travel FULLY when Passing me so I'll wave them around.. They usually get the right idea and Take THEIR full passing lane..

I just had a long ride out for several days and saw enough to shutter the faint hearted.. A "too short to see over the srtearing wheel" gal almost took my left leg off when thinking she Didn't Need to go Fully into her passing lane and took most out of mine, strattling the center line in half.. Man I was sleeping on that one...:small3d015:

I do have a tendency to move all over My lane when on a trip or long ride.

Just My Way..

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A "too short to see over the srtearing wheel" gal almost took my left leg off when thinking she Didn't Need to go Fully into her passing lane and took most out of mine, strattling the center line in half.. Man I was sleeping on that one...:small3d015:
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Wow Bubbie glad you didn't loose a leg. Hope the lady learned better.

You know that reminds me of one scary happenstance that occurred to me back in 1972. I had not long been out of the Army and was riding my newly bobbed out Triumph Bonneville downtown bout 10pm one night. There was hardly any traffic on the road. I was just cruising along not very fast and out of nowhere a car comes up slowly along my left side. It was so close I dare not even try to move the bars. I simply froze my hands and arms and tried to lean away from it, but it without time to prepare, my bike was trying to lean into the car. It finally passed me after about 4 seconds.

I was wired, half shook up and half mad. I sped up and pulled up beside the young character and motioned him into the nearby Bank parking lot. I followed him in and pulled up beside him, stopped and turned my bike off. It was just him and his girlfriend after I had a chance to actually see them. He would not look at me, he just kept stairring straight ahead. So I just told him, " dude are you trying to kill me ?" He said nothing, but his girlfriend was apologizing for him all over the place. Saying how sorry he was and he just didn't realize how close he was to me etc.

So I leaned forward a bit and said, "hey dude ain't you got nothing to say after nearly killing me or are you gonna let your girlfriend do all your talking". He finally then said he was sorry. He was just a young kid, looked maybe 17 ( I was 22). So I told him he'd better watch that sort of activity or it was gonna get him a vehicular homicide one day.

I was so upset I used a couple of words not allowed here. But that was a scary 5 seconds. I actually though I was going to move into the car's side. With both of us going bout 30 mph I did not like that idea. I mean it sounds on paper like I could have just put my hand on the car and pushed away, but it all happened so fast I did not feel that warm and fuzzy about it.
Bubbie pegged it... I use ALL of my lane - where just depends on many variables. I did learn one thing from flying airplanes - lateral movement gets noticed while a relatively stationary object will disappear. Left and right movement within your lane will catch the eye of other drivers. Nothing big or radical - just occasionally going from center to right groove and then back to left of center.
Bubbie pegged it... I use ALL of my lane - where just depends on many variables. I did learn one thing from flying airplanes - lateral movement gets noticed while a relatively stationary object will disappear. Left and right movement within your lane will catch the eye of other drivers. Nothing big or radical - just occasionally going from center to right groove and then back to left of center.
I like that idea. Sounds like I should do that every once in a while. It sure can't hurt. Especially if it gets me noticed!
I like left of center (A position) your out there were other trafic can see you, it gives you more outs when you realy need someplace to go and helps keep the cages from crowding you off. When riding in our group we stagger up so I jockey around so most of the time I am in the left.
I like that idea. Sounds like I should do that every once in a while. It sure can't hurt. Especially if it gets me noticed!
I just wanted to add that last year while I was riding "left of center" some guy, for whatever reason, decided that I may have been a little too close to left of center ( I wasn't) and decided to cross the yellow line and come into my lane! Maybe he wanted a good laugh or whatever but I had no choice but to get way over to the right because I would lose that confrontation! :(
I generally ride most often intwo way traffic towards the left side of the lane. Occasionally, I'll ride in the right side of the lane on roads I know that are uneven or tricky. Never in the center though.:)

Two factors have determined my placement.

One, I have been riding alone more and more. I tend to move around.

Two, the roads in Wisconsin have gotten into a severe case of disrepair. Because of the upheavals, the cracks and ruts, I choose the best possible segment I can find. And it changes constantly.

I do avoid the middle strip due to oil deposits. However, there are several sections on the "new improved" area of 39/90/94 that seem to still have caterpillar tread tracks from the original road grading. After hitting these several times with my old Sportster shock absorbers, I bite the bullet and stick to the center of those lanes.