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What part of lane do you ride?

I try to stick in the left 1/3 of the lane whether back road or highway ( usually about where the cager's left tires run- let them pick up the nails before I get there! ). As far as which lane when there is a choice, I start off in the right lane and migrate to the left when I encounter slower traffic, then return to the right when lanes are open. In high traffic highway situations I try to stay out of the right-most lane.
I ride side by side 75% of the time so I am almost always only using 1/3 of the lane. Even solo, I tend to only use 1/3 of the lane.

I agree i ride the left part because you can see on coming traffic better & does give you a few more feet if somebody would pull out from the right . Obviously riding with other bikes you should be riding staggered when im leading im on the left . With exception if your riding a realy curvy ride then ill take the entire lane .