I'm trying to decide on rather I should buy a "Tuner" or a "Fueler". I'm really only looking for two things, better fuel mileage (currently get 35 mpg) and resolve the lean condition. I have the Stage 1 air filter and V&H Big Shots. Any ideas?
I started out with a PCIII on my o3 classic.I have rinehart tru duals and SE aircleaner.Had it on for 2 seasons before the bike started acting up.I spent countless hours and money on diagnstics because it wasnt popping any codes.I was finally able to dtermine it was the IAC motor was not keeping up and basically overheating causing the bike to stall at traffic lights.After conversing with the powers that be I decided to spend the money on a SERT.I must say the bike runs like a scolded dog and with the custom map (more money) i picked up 10 horespower.The bike dynos at 76 horespower thats 6 more tha a stock 96 and 83ft pounds of torque which is nice to have when you ride 2 up.
I happen to have the ability to compare 2 identical 08 streetglides with different setups.Mine has Hookers,PC,Ness big sucker.Hers has Rienharts,SERT, and also a Ness big sucker.I gotta say hers out of the box is the better setup.No decell popping and runs smoothe with better mpg.Mine on the other hand is headed for the dyno.