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When to go to synthetic oil?

Re: Thanks guys

Same here (go w/Synthetic ASAP) HD said the "recommended" time to change was @ 5K (which seemed odd), but I followed Glider's break-in recommendation @ 100m (better late than never). Changed initial oil @ 120m & you should've seen how dirty it was w/this small amount of use. Changed to M1 20W/50 and plan to use this for every change.
Re: Thanks guys

Same here (go w/Synthetic ASAP) HD said the "recommended" time to change was @ 5K (which seemed odd), but I followed Glider's break-in recommendation @ 100m (better late than never). Changed initial oil @ 120m & you should've seen how dirty it was w/this small amount of use. Changed to M1 20W/50 and plan to use this for every change.


suggested.... REDLINE or SPECTRO products...

I use REDLINE totally on ALL HAD n HAVE BIKES. .

Who knows. However, you will not hurt anything by using non syn oil one more time. It is good oil and it will be clean etc. One more time will not hurt and could be the best thing
I put the HD Synthetic in my 08 Sportster at the 1,000 mile check up. The oil level was down a 1/4 of a quart at the 5,000 mile service.

Think the rings sealed good?

Change your oil to synthetic. Change your trans to synthetic. Change your primary to synthetic. Read the "OIL" posts in the self help and figure out what kind you want to use.
I reccommend that you don't use the SYN3 (HD) synthetic.

Now I'm really curious - how come most of us are willing to accept the Mototune breakin and immediate oil change recommendation (the 30-60-30) but ignore the recommendation to run regular oil until 1500 miles prior to switching to synthetic. The majority in this thread have said to switch to synthetic immediately. Are "we" saying Mototune is right on in the one area but out to lunch in the other. Enlighten me please.
Now I'm really curious - how come most of us are willing to accept the Mototune breakin and immediate oil change recommendation (the 30-60-30) but ignore the recommendation to run regular oil until 1500 miles prior to switching to synthetic. The majority in this thread have said to switch to synthetic immediately. Are "we" saying Mototune is right on in the one area but out to lunch in the other. Enlighten me please.

This is an area where you will get a lot of different opinions - when to switch ,what kind of oil, proper break in etc... Harley says one thing, others say different. This is my opinion and only my opinion and not to say I am right on this isuue. On my first service I switched to spectro in the tranny and primary. Still using regular Harley oil in the engine. Will switch to Mobil 1 full sinthetic in the engine at 5000 miles. As far as the break in is concerened I took it easy for the first 1500 miles keeping the rpm's under 3000 - switching gears @ 3000. Now with 3000 miles I ride it normal and open her up once or twice when I go out. This 30-60-30 break in method may work but I look at it this way - there are millions of moving parts associated with the drive train and putting a load like that on it from day one, well I just couldn't do it. Again this is only my opinion. Then I am thinking too if it were that easy, why arn't the engines broken in from the factory therefore the consumer doesn't have to worry about it? - maybe a cost issue?
If you analyze the 30-60-30, the purpose of it is to seat the rings before they glaze the cylinders by driving it easy during break in. Once the cylinders are glazed, quite possibly your engine will consume oil. Changing to a synthetic oil right away will harm nothing because the most expensive CVO bikes come with Harleys excuse for synthetic oil in them from the factory. The reason why they aren't broken in at the factory is time and money. It takes someone to either run it on a dyno or ride it if that's what you were thinking and this all translates to $$$. Look at the way the MOCO cheaped out in some areas to make a better profit and you want them to forfeit that profit by breaking in the motors? :lolrolling