If you analyze the 30-60-30, the purpose of it is to seat the rings before they glaze the cylinders by driving it easy during break in. Once the cylinders are glazed, quite possibly your engine will consume oil. Changing to a synthetic oil right away will harm nothing because the most expensive CVO bikes come with Harleys excuse for synthetic oil in them from the factory. The reason why they aren't broken in at the factory is time and money. It takes someone to either run it on a dyno or ride it if that's what you were thinking and this all translates to $$$. Look at the way the MOCO cheaped out in some areas to make a better profit and you want them to forfeit that profit by breaking in the motors? :lolrolling
The Mototune article also addressed this. It recommends replacing the syn with regular dino until 1500 miles while the last 20% of break in takes place inside the motor.