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Where did your login name come from ? ? ?

e is for the first initial of my last name and the 7171 is for an awesome 71 Plymouth Satellite I used to have.
It's the only PC nickname from my school days, a play on words off my family name, shortened it to 8 characters for a login id (back when login id's were limited to 8 alphanumeric digits).
About 35 yrs ago I used to ride with a bunch that liked to ride every weekend and camp, and I would bring the music. Cassettes lots of cassettes.

Cassettes! or video, man it took 15 years of suffering through all the sonic defects droppouts, hissssss, wow and flutter...of that format. It developed tons of noise reducing technology mind-numbing feats and dollars spent engineering affecting an indusry from top to bottom, along with the manufacturers and consumers. Only to get all that thrown into our landfills and a blip in the annuls of consumer consumption history....yeecchh!:newsmile055:

All that was eclipsed by the new technology and now even CDs & DVDs are becoming history, but I do not like the idea of download (pay per play) or (pay per view) direction things are going. How many times do we have go to the well and buy a song or album? :cry Somehow, I like the idea of a CD or DVD and being able to store them and replay them with no degradation over time. And this pay per stuff is playing in the hands and heads of us as consumers that we really need this...Memory saved can be lost just as easily nowadays. :newsmile070:

Oops my log'in name was based on good old fashion feeling how I felt when I got my Sporty...
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Everyone I know these days calls me by my real name. A little anonymity is a good thing so... Grammaton comes from the movie "Equilibrium". I tend not to get worked up or emotional about stuff (unlike Christian Bale) so I use that tag.

I would rather no one call me any of my childhood nicknames.:shock
It's the only PC nickname from my school days, a play on words off my family name, shortened it to 8 characters for a login id (back when login id's were limited to 8 alphanumeric digits).

I still have 100s of cassettes in the basement,and a box of 8-tracks and a box of reel to reel that I haven't had the heart to throw out:52:
Cedar tree in my garden beside a brook. Just a yawn username I had for ebay. Really should change it to something more personal and interesting. But I'm kinda in the groove of the site with this one.:)