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Who the hell is monitering this site

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Wow! Relax everyone....the man blurbed out a cuss word...bikers will be bikers! Having spent my youth in & around a biker bar owned by my father and 20 years in the military, I have heard far worse. We all get that those are house rules...noted, but cut the man a break, he didn't commit murder. With all that being said, I know, it's your house and you make the rules. Everyone push back the chair and take a deep breath...democracy requires a little patience from time to time....Hua! :p

So I guess everyone deserves a break. How many members are here? Guess what, we all get breaks. I know I have had my grace period, my break. We have all heard worse, so whats the point with that? Since we have heard worse , as long as it is in that criteria it is OK? Bottom line is it is crystal clear. Rules are rules, and when you own the house, you make the rules. The mods here are trying to keep this place different than the rest of the sites where keyboard studs think they rule with their fingertips. This ruins it for all else. There are plenty of other places they can go and crow. We all make mistakes and if thats the case, take your lickin and go on, but if people are set on bending the rules or arguing the rules, they will end up elsewhere, plain and simple.
I'm actually being quite entertained in this thread.

I mean...its been said and repeated how many times? (and I mean before this thread) I too have had my hand slapped ONCE. I was informed the rules and I went on. No fanfare. No complaining.

The mods make no bones about zero tolerance and people still want to defend breaking the rules? Better yet for 14 pages???

Mods, I'm sure you can see you have the respect and cooperation of the overwhelmiing majority of people here. Keep up the good work!!
For a new guy like me with his first HD this is a great site. One that I do not need to close if my kids come up to see what I am doing. Thanks guys for the rules.
without the rules, tho strickt lol, it would end up like every other site on the web. this is something speacial here , its like biker church lol or harley heaven ;-)
Wow! Relax everyone....the man blurbed out a cuss word...bikers will be bikers! Having spent my youth in & around a biker bar owned by my father and 20 years in the military, I have heard far worse. We all get that those are house rules...noted, but cut the man a break, he didn't commit murder. With all that being said, I know, it's your house and you make the rules. Everyone push back the chair and take a deep breath...democracy requires a little patience from time to time....Hua! :p

WRONG - "The man blurbed out a cuss word...." - The man DIDN'T blurb,he actually had to THINK before he TYPED what he posted!!! That's the difference here - when speaking one on one, sure sometimes it "just comes out" but here you actually have to type the words then you have a chance to read BEFORE you hit submit reply!!!! This isn't rocket science to follow the rules ! Biker bar , my garage , out on the road - YES , While your logged on here - NO ! Pretty simple!!! Democracy --- Yep , even when a politician speaks unprofessionally he gets his hand slapped and has to apoligize!!!
when speaking one on one, sure sometimes it "just comes out" but here you actually have to type the words then you have a chance to read BEFORE you hit submit reply!!

That is a GREAT point. I never really thought about it in that way.

As Nancy Grace would say out in TV land,,,

"It was Premeditated!"


This is Simply an Awesome Website.. If your a Member, Protect it.
i joined to learn from veteran riders about my bike, and pure brotherhood of bikers in general, i enjoy this site alot!
I get that. Sometimes it's not easy to just type out what your mind is saying, word for word...
I'm new here and trying to do it right here, so I hope you can bear with me if I make a goof up, it won't be intentional...I think I made a comment/ responding to a post about riding w/o clothes, and I trust it was OK to reply, as it wasn't closed.
My opinion is riding like that is foolish because it's a stupid risk just so people can
see you like that....ever see a serious road rash patient? Like a burn patient.
Sorry, train of thought just drifted..
Anyways, it's good not to read lotsa obnoxious threads, either in certain words,
comments / both.
Great Job, good nonsense .
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