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Who the hell is monitering this site

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I have been reprimanded twice for words that I use in mixed company in normal conversation and never considered offensive when writing them. I don't hang with a tough crowd. (craftspeople, jewelers, photographers, potters)

That said, I do appreciate the tight scrutiny and helpful nature of this site a lot. I respect that the people running the site have the right to rule it as they see fit and because it is so valuable I will try to abide by their rules when I am here. If I don't like the site I can move on...just like I can select another radio station on the AM/FM dial. That is free speech at work. Only when the right to select a differing view is denied is free speech actually threatened.

My 2 cents worth late in the game.:)
If I don't like the site I can move on...just like I can select another radio station on the AM/FM dial. That is free speech at work. Only when the right to select a differing view is denied is free speech actually threatened.

My 2 cents worth late in the game.:)

Excellent point! :D
I, too, have had many chuckles reading this thread. I am a new member but I found this sight months ago and enjoyed it enough because of the lack of trash-mouthing that is abundant in other sights that I decided to join in case I had a queston or two. I find it hard to believe that people keep trying to justify their actions because of this or that reason. This is a great forum and by reading the threads and replies one can easily tell that the vast majority of posters have above average intellegence and respect. Since I have been reading posts and the self-help section, this forum has saved me over $1200 this summer. It is way too valuable for me to get the permanent BOOT! So to all I say, "Use wisely, your power of choice!" :cheers
Thanks for your thoughts DEW. It's a bit of work keeping the "kiddies" off the site but in the long run it's posts like yours and others in this thread that make it worthwhile.

We try to keep a higher standard that other forums and as a result we get a better class of people here.:s
It makes me laugh that on a subject that has turned into being about using bad or forbidden language on this forum, there have been atleast a handful of violations and two removed members. :lolrolling
It's like telling a kid not to touch the hot stove - and they do it anyways.:devil

Thanks to all the Moderators for watching over us. :small3d018:
People have to understand that we are guests here. If you don't like the rules get out. I happen to find it refreshing that there is such a friendly clean place on the internet. I enjoy not having to wade through a ton of filth to get informantion. I think the mod do a great job here and deserve to be congratulated.:D
Thanks guys for the kind words. We like to think we have a nice forum without the language and will do what is necessary to keep it that way.:s

Unfortunately not all members think the same as you do but they soon find out that we can back up what we say with the click of a button.:D
Thanks moderators for keeping it clean. I would not be on here if it was trashy like all of the others that I have been on. I cannot stand for someone to use my eyes and ears for a garbage can.:worthy
In the Lord's year, two-thousand and nine, I hereby pronounce "Beaten-Horse" as dead. Seriously, this site rocks and I thoroughly love the posts. After reading the strings following my post, I got the impression that folks were putting me in the combatant potty mouth's corner. truth is, I admire Glider's fortitude to keep things clean and focused. Usually when I'm on the other sites and a post goes foul, I simply flip to another post like a does become grotesque at times. Keep up the good work and keep the click/button-finger heavy...seriously!
All well said and appreciated. I'm really glad that spelling and grammar doesn't count, cause I would be in a world of trouble. "Ha Ha"
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