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Who the hell is monitering this site

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Thanks Glider and Bud.

I want to share something in regards to the work the mods do here. This is in no way self promotion, because there are mods here that dedicate much more time than I do.

When you come to the site to do research on your bike or just share your experience with others, you normally ignore the threads that have no interest to you. You sometimes skip the threads that are discussing a bike that you are not interested in. The mods open every thread and read all the posts. I never stopped and realized how much work was involved in moderating this site. It is time consuming. These guys have been dedicating their time much longer than I have and they set the high standards that I play a small part in helping to maintain.

I appreciate their efforts as well.
I agree with everyone here, it's a great place and much appreciated.

I have seen a few words that have double meanings being censored.

I can avoid them.
To Glider and all the Moderators Keep up the good work, I like not having to worry about walking away from the computer and leaving this site open and someone in the house seeing or reading something inaproprate. There are rules here and they are easy to follow.

I think the mod's do a great job and it is appreciated. I just wish I could take Glider and his language banning button to work with me to use on some of my coworkers, well actually almost all of them.
Thankyou for making this site all that it is. Without your dedication and time, it would probably degenerate into what the others are. keep up the good work and make us even prouder of you.
Yes, I as a bad little boy myself recently, posting a joke that didn't conform to the rules here, with glider giving me a good thrashing, a beating about the head, and a very severe talking too. I now realise these actions taken by "The Great Man" :worthyhave made me a better little Aussie, and I am now able to contribute to this wonderful site in a more fulfilling way! :lolrolling glider? :dude
Yeah T but you still talk funny! :lolrolling

(private joke)

Thanks for the support everyone. It's appreciated.
I try to stay away from these things but I am in the mood to get involved. There are a couple of members here that know me from another forum so they know what I am talking about. On that forum, they allowed all kinds of EDIT to happen and it caused some pretty nasty board wars. It happened more than once and before it was all over, I lost a lot of friends and it became just another forum to me. If you want that kind of thing to happen here, than just let things fly and you will see what I mean and I assure you, it will happen because there are a lot of keyboard commandos around that like to stir things up for their own warped pleasure. If Glider wants to erase this reply then he has my permission but the fact will still remain that problems will happen unless things are kept in check here.

Thanks for reading

A Friendly Reminder - Harley Davidson Community

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I would never erase your reply. We go back to far together and I know what you are talking about very well.:s
I think the mod's do a great job and it is appreciated. I just wish I could take Glider and his language banning button to work with me to use on some of my coworkers, well actually almost all of them.

Dido David.

Once again one of the very reasons I joined this site was for all the genuine helpful folks without all the language. It's kind of like going to the repair shop without all the "shop talk". You guys are indeed doing a GREAT job keep it up.
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