Guys, I think I should chime in to this thread. I live in Australia. I speak Australian. Australian is a type of English that can be difficult to translate globally. I'm new here and recently I posted a response using "Australian" and quickly found out that what I was typing did not translate into polite language.
My point is that I have been on the receiving end of a warning here and i support the standards that are imposed on members. I have learned to consider my wording more than I usually have done in the past.
Nice site and it is these standards that keep it that way.
I used a word when taken in the context it was written means "cheap or shoddy material or junk" in referencing a bike's handling. This word could also be loosely interpreted as something one might find on the bottom of their shoe if they weren't careful where they walk. This was what I considered the non-offensive, generic version. Which makes me wonder if there's a list of verboten words somewhere?
A Friendly Reminder - Harley Davidson Community
My suggestion to everyone (including those with green colored names - so that includes ME) is that when considering using a word or phrase, if it crosses your mind it might NOT be appropriate, substitute something else that you know is. Here are some safe substitutes:
"all messed up"
"completely broken"
"I'll be darned!"
"Oh heck"
"She's a real ... hard one to deal with"
"What a silly guy!"
This is just a starter list (provided tongue in cheek!) but you catch my drift. Not tough. And no one is gonna fault you for these.