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Who the hell is monitering this site

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Thanks Glider. I just want to learn more about my bike, and chat with the people here that has the same interest as mine. We like it clean.
WOW, this certainly got a lot of comments very fast!

I didn't log on last night because the United Bikers of Maine had our toy run yesterday and I was exhausted when we got home. Great weather, lots of bikes and tons of toys for the kids.

As far as the comments about language on this board, like the others I appreciate the tone and topics, I have gotten a lot of good information here that has saved me a lot of money and made me a better rider.

My father once told me, "there's barroom language and there's church language and each one has it's place". When I'm here I always try to use my "church language", if I slip up feel free to slap me up side my face!

Thanks for keeping it clean! :dude
Guys, I think I should chime in to this thread. I live in Australia. I speak Australian. Australian is a type of English that can be difficult to translate globally. I'm new here and recently I posted a response using "Australian" and quickly found out that what I was typing did not translate into polite language.

Having just returned from a bit of a "vacation" myself, I know of what you speak. I received a warning of a previous indiscretion and agree that the moderators have the right and responsibility to keep the Forum the way they want it. However, I have to wonder about interpretations of words with multiple meanings.

I used a word when taken in the context it was written means "cheap or shoddy material or junk" in referencing a bike's handling. This word could also be loosely interpreted as something one might find on the bottom of their shoe if they weren't careful where they walk. This was what I considered the non-offensive, generic version. Which makes me wonder if there's a list of verboten words somewhere?

We come from all walks of life and backgrounds. What's offensive to one may not be to another. I agree with erring on the side of discretion in case of doubt. But editing a word used in a non-offensive context just because it *might* be used otherwise in another context leaves me scratching my head.... :::shrug:::

My point is that I have been on the receiving end of a warning here and i support the standards that are imposed on members. I have learned to consider my wording more than I usually have done in the past.

Nice site and it is these standards that keep it that way.

I concur! Please don't misconstrue my post as debate, it isn't. I just want to know all the ground rules as I TRY to follow them. If I thought it was all a bunch of [self edit] I'd say so on my way out the door.

My suggestion to everyone (including those with green colored names - so that includes ME) is that when considering using a word or phrase, if it crosses your mind it might NOT be appropriate, substitute something else that you know is. Here are some safe substitutes:

"all messed up"
"completely broken"
"I'll be darned!"
"Oh heck"
"She's a real ... hard one to deal with"
"What a silly guy!"

This is just a starter list (provided tongue in cheek!) but you catch my drift. Not tough. And no one is gonna fault you for these.

I used a word when taken in the context it was written means "cheap or shoddy material or junk" in referencing a bike's handling. This word could also be loosely interpreted as something one might find on the bottom of their shoe if they weren't careful where they walk. This was what I considered the non-offensive, generic version. Which makes me wonder if there's a list of verboten words somewhere?


There is a partial list of the words that are not allowed and anyone that has received an infraction for the use of any of these words like yourself should have read the post in mention before questioning what IS allowed or not. The link below will clarify that point also.

The word you used being "crap" is not allowed in any context for the simple reason that if you are allowed to use it your intended way, then another poster will use it another way and this is where the confusion comes in. If it isn't allowed at all regardless of the context it is used then it's much easier on the moderators and we don't have to get into a long discussion about the words then like this one.

I suggest you read the post in this link below over to clarify not only the language but the questioning of "why".

Please read and understand the info in this link...

A Friendly Reminder - Harley Davidson Community

PS: why couldn't you use "cheap or shoddy material or junk" instead of what you used?
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My suggestion to everyone (including those with green colored names - so that includes ME) is that when considering using a word or phrase, if it crosses your mind it might NOT be appropriate, substitute something else that you know is. Here are some safe substitutes:

"all messed up"
"completely broken"
"I'll be darned!"
"Oh heck"
"She's a real ... hard one to deal with"
"What a silly guy!"

This is just a starter list (provided tongue in cheek!) but you catch my drift. Not tough. And no one is gonna fault you for these.


So basically it's Utah speak. Oh my heck is always a good one.
It is Quite a LARGE job keeping us all in line, whether discussing our bikes, an aspect of a ride, a joke (inside joke here, :nosad ) or anything else.

The point being, as more and more people join, it is up to us to help limit the work load. They have enough to do monitoring all the new members. The old adage 'Give an inch and they'll take a mile' should prompt us all to very much mind our words.

This forum is invaluable for the information it provides and for the ability for us to talk/ask freely - with only a few parameters on our language. The benefits FAR outweigh the care we must take when composing our thoughts. It is a matter of respect.

Thank you Glider and all the Moderators. :cheers
Keep up the Good Work.

I'm new here and to Harleys as well, I am here to learn not to be insulted. Thanks to the mods for keeping this place clean and shiny! (like my bike!)
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