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Who the hell is monitering this site

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It is Quite a LARGE job keeping us all in line, whether discussing our bikes, an aspect of a ride, a joke (inside joke here, :nosad ) or anything else.

The point being, as more and more people join, it is up to us to help limit the work load. They have enough to do monitoring all the new members. The old adage 'Give an inch and they'll take a mile' should prompt us all to very much mind our words.

This forum is invaluable for the information it provides and for the ability for us to talk/ask freely - with only a few parameters on our language. The benefits FAR outweigh the care we must take when composing our thoughts. It is a matter of respect.

Thank you Glider and all the Moderators. :cheers
Keep up the Good Work.


Now THERE'S an intelligent person!

I like what you posted here...

'Give an inch and they'll take a mile'

So true unfortunately in many cases.
Speaking as one who has suffered a slapped wrist on 2 occasions,....I have learnt a lot about BIKES here,and the sore wrist has greatly improved my language skills(spelling excepted)
Many thanks to the Moderators for the terrific and hard job they have taken on, AND thankyou all for the mountain of help and advice you all post on here.
I'm a slow learner,but I do learn!!:D
The word you used being "****" is not allowed in any context for the simple reason that if you are allowed to use it your intended way, then another poster will use it another way and this is where the confusion comes in. If it isn't allowed at all regardless of the context it is used then it's much easier on the moderators and we don't have to get into a long discussion about the words then like this one.

I agree with this. What is good for the goose is not always good for the gander. The English language is a wonderful thing and it only takes a second to stop and think about what we are writing and then choose to do the right thing. Not because we were TOLD TO but because it is the right and hornorable thing to do. I am new to Harley's this year and I will tell you you I spend way more time reading than I do posting because there is so much for me to learn, and I really appreicate not having to wade through the frivolous
words to get what I need.

Mr. Glider and Moderators --- My hat's off to you, Thanks!!!

Dang, I couldn't find the standing ovation icon soooooo :cheers
I have only posted a few times on here so far, having said that Ive already had my 'wrists slapped' for inappropiate language..for this I apologise, Im English (so this is for sure my language,)and obviously we are not as stuffy and staid as the rest of the world thinks we be frank I am really amazed an American site has this amount of censorship..but having said that I respect what you have going on here,so I will not be 'told off' again. be frank I am really amazed an American site has this amount of censorship..but having said that I respect what you have going on here,so I will not be 'told off' again.

We don't call it censorship, we call it maturity and good manners here.
I have never understood how a dirty mouth could ride a clean bike. If Pledge ever makes a mouthwash the World will be a Great place. Thanks for keeping this site clean.
I think the mods here do a great job, I keep myself in check and when I type something here I have my little mantra in my head "Treat others as you'd like to be treated"
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For any forum to operate successfully I'm convinced there needs to be a strong team of moderators in place.
I was once a member of a golf forum of all places run by Golf Magazine which dissolved into name calling and threats of "coming over to your house and beating the (edit) out of you," and accusations of cheating.
It collapsed under its own weight and was shut down, which is a shame because outside of the petty nonsense they had great game and technical tips.

I salute the moderators here for not putting up with the same.


Please read and understand the info in this link...

A Friendly Reminder - Harley Davidson Community

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Now THERE'S an intelligent person!

I like what you posted here...

'Give an inch and they'll take a mile'

So true unfortunately in many cases.

Possibly a new moderator(CatWomen) in the future??...don't think I've seen a female moderator on here yet..
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