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Why did you Buy a "Harley"

I remember hearing them rumble by when I was a kid.

To this day my head turns when I hear a Harley.

I've owned many bikes in the past including sportster.

When my buddy told me he was considering selling this one it got my attention. I thought about it then rode it, there was no turning back.
The V&H pipes on the bored and camed engine are beyond my description.

Something no "Patch" , "Badge", MD or PHD required :s

Simply...Emotions :newsmile030: , Timing :small3d011: , Opportunity :41: and Finances :newsmile092:

(There is also the Gotta Have It Factor) :D
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I rode many different bikes. Rode a Yamaha VStar 1100 for several years called it my Yamahog! I rode a friends Fatboy one day, that's all it took. I sold my Yamahog the next week and was at the Harley dealer picking out my RKC.

I walked in and there was a guy sitting on it. I told him "You're sitting on my bike" I knew it the moment I saw it ....

So to my friend, thank you!
Do not know exactly why, but I just love bikes! A passion which is difficult to explain to some. I have had a Susuki, Honda, Yamaha and several BMWs. Love the BMWs and will always have one! I ride track, endurance (iron butts), sport touring and cycle/camping.
Why do I own an Ultra, my second Harley? A couple of reasons. One is that it is common knowledge that I ride and the first question always is, "Do you have a Harley?"
Answer: Yes, and...
I view a Harley a rolling piece of Art! Visually very appealing. I am proud to ride it. Mechanically - that is another issue! Getting better, but... Wish my Harley was as comfortable, smooth, trouble free and reliable as my BMWs, but I still love it.
Don't really know. I just had to have one. Cooler, better? The only purchase I every made without consulting with the wife was the first Harley. While driving it home the thought occured to me I might live like a monk for a while. Luckily, she loved the bike. Hard not to like a Harley!:)
Had a Kawasaki 440, Honda Ace, Ural side car rig all of which I liked.

But I totally fell in love with the look of this Road King Classic with Liberty side car. I had no intention of buying a different bike, but when love strikes all sense goes out the door. Just a great looking ride.
1964 - Started on a 900cc Sporty
Had several others since, Yamaha's, Honda off-racing bike (elsinore). Still have a crazy 27 years old Virago.
On a 09 Super Glide. Probably be my last bike.
Started on one and ended on one.