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Why do you ride?

therapy/relaxation, when you leave work after a 12 hour shift and take an hour to get home when its 5 minutes away.
I dont own a car, bad enough I work on them for a living. Been riding so long a car is the furthest from my mind
solitude - no customers - no phone - no kids -
as I get older I catch myself under the speed limit relaxing
I can't explain,maybe the added danger of having no protection around me,maybe the freedom of the road,maybe the youthful feeling I get when I gun it at a red light,whatever it is, sure is still as much fun as ever.
Got my first bike, a triumph 650 single carb in '69. Got my second, a BSA 650 dual carbs in '70. the argument between me and ex started shortly after. Stayed married 33 yrs, no bike.

Same argument repeatedly.

Divorced in '03. Moved to NC in '05. started visiting a biker bar shortly after, guess what. No argument, got the bike and haven't looked back.

Should have gotten a bike and let her leave had I known the end result and how much I love riding.

I will die owning a bike.

QUESTION..wanna ride ? young guys ask...where we goin ? old guys ask...which direction ?

There is nothing like throwing your leg over the bike and hearing that harley thump as you head into the wind !!!
Why Do I Ride? Thats like trying to explain why I go to the store 20 miles away for a 30Lb bag of dog food, when I could of easily went to the store less than a mile away. Like most have said already, Certain freedoms are felt that are almost unexplainable to those who don't.
I caught the bug after having a ride on the back of a bike. I was probably about 10 years old. My cousins grandfather took me on the trails behind his property. It was an amazing feeling seeing the trees whip by at what seemed like a hundred miles an hour. Best part? I still get that feeling :)

I ride, therefore I am...