Richard, that blogger is intitled to opinion. The real issue here is what is the future of the electronic notebook. Yes, it may go the direction of the marketing strategy behind the demise of the CD and soon the DVD. The movers and shakers WANT people to pay per view/download singles because it is PROFITABLE. Artists like it because they do not have to produce a "string" of hits, so the CD & DVD sales are one time money makers and not marketed strongly. They have already found out people will go to the well multiple times if they are FORCED to..."forced upgrades to refresh you license to download" ! They are already trying to figure out how to charge you for downloading a song you already downloaded, by having it's license timeout on you. Why do you need a hard drive to store temporary data?
Digital TV is another way to force people to pay per view, because once everyone is on digital, the broadcasters can control content on the airwaves, start using scramblers (that is what cable & satellite TV did). Cable TV started as a distributed antenna system, the head at a convenient hilltop, cable and repeater amplifiers all over town. Then satellite TV came out and Big Media Empires started controlling the cable content as filtering for Parental Guidance programming was their "in". (we always had a choice of not tuning in before, now we pay for tons of stations we don't want or need). Plain antenna at the top of a hill came down and Satellite head antenna installed, again piped all over town. Then CABLE went digital, satellite digital now allowed pay per view plus monthly fees. Now all our media is controlled so "PUBLIC" broadcasting i.e. what the everyman watches or reads is paid subscribers. That is why I am fighting tooth and nail not to incur monthly bills of ANY kind. Bad enough that I am using 1/4 less utilities, yet my rates still put me in a 2nd Quartile (what ever that is) so they charge 1/3 more than they did a year ago. When someone asks for change...always ask where the money goes. You will not like the answer...