First, I'm a newbie. Bought my first bike last fall (Nov.); it's a 2007 FXDL. I have about 3,300 miles on it now. I love my bike but am disappointed in the factory headlight (very poor!). This doesn't make me happy with HD because I see this as a big safety issue and find it hard to believe they would sell a bike with such a poor headlight.
I read many, if not all, the threads concerning headlights and bulbs... so I went out and purchased a NAPA BP1210/H4 bulb; 80 W low-beam, 100 W high-beam. Huge improvement! I'm concerned about safety and want to be visible, therefore, I ride with my high-beam on almost all the time; day or night. I have a single headlight with no driving lights. Shortly, about 4 to 6 weeks, after purchasing the bulb it blew-out, at night, and I was stranded.
Now the question: now what do I do? I'm considering getting a H.I.D. headlight. The down side to that is the price, but I really want to see at night! Or, do I get another bulb? Or, do I add driving lights of some type; if so, what would look good on a low rider?
I know there are many, many years of experience on this site so I'm eager to get feedback.
Thanks in advance.
I read many, if not all, the threads concerning headlights and bulbs... so I went out and purchased a NAPA BP1210/H4 bulb; 80 W low-beam, 100 W high-beam. Huge improvement! I'm concerned about safety and want to be visible, therefore, I ride with my high-beam on almost all the time; day or night. I have a single headlight with no driving lights. Shortly, about 4 to 6 weeks, after purchasing the bulb it blew-out, at night, and I was stranded.
Now the question: now what do I do? I'm considering getting a H.I.D. headlight. The down side to that is the price, but I really want to see at night! Or, do I get another bulb? Or, do I add driving lights of some type; if so, what would look good on a low rider?
I know there are many, many years of experience on this site so I'm eager to get feedback.
Thanks in advance.