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yet another carb question (96 cvo)

Possibly still some sediment somewhere and if any gets in the carb can block any of the small passages
i think a little more cleaning and clearing of jets and small passages may be required before it is going to run right

As you have the air filter off, check the cv slide movement when you open the throttle when it's idling. It won't move a lot when blipping the throttle, but it should move rather quickly. It's possible the diaphram is stiff or cracked and is slow to open or does not open. It could also have an air leak at the top seal. That will mess up the operation for sure. Every time you get ready to shoot it, walk away for a while.
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Ok so I pulled the bowl, removed the fuel line cleaned and blew out all the jets, tubes, float inlet and the dog. Please say a prayer to the motor gods before I try to start this thing.

This video contains a really ugly biker and may cause nightmares to young children and weak of heart!

I noticed that as soon as I pulled the clutch in it wanted to die. I could rev it up but not go anywhere.

I must be getting old I used to have a Buck knife on my belt and now I have a phone.:(

Idle circuit sounds OK, must be starving for gas under load?
That is what I was thinking and my Ol"Lady was saying 'It's starving for gas!!"
and she know's more about motors then most of my neighbors. But The problem kept getting worse. So Maybe I found the problem or just found another.

I think the vacuum diaphram for the advance has a crack in it. The thing(lol) that's in between the fuel pet cock and the carb. So I'm going to put rubber cement and duct tape on it and send it home.

Ok I won't do that but I'm losing it and hope this is the end.:D

anybody know where I could get a V.O.E.S. diaphram cheap?
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Beer Hound - so you found the CV diaphram has a crack/hole that it does not lift the slide? Also, does your carb have an accelerator pump...i.e. located to the right (foward to the float bowl (use dentist mirror and you will see it if equipped...

THEN you should check when you roll on the throttle, for a steady squirt of fuel spray into the throat (my '04 XL1200R sportster based on the EVO V-twin engine has one). If no squirt, and your model does have accelerator pump, it probably needs a new valve/gaset.
It does have an accelerator pump and I replaced the spring and diaphram, I had to use the old "o" ring because the rebuild kit did not come with the right "O" ring. (stock is thicker almost like a tube). Is there anyway to check if it's putting out?

and Thanks!
Yes, when you roll on the throttle, look in the small nozzels on the floor of the carb near the "Guillotine Slide", you should see a strong stream of gas, which stops when you release the throttle, roll on again, the pump should shoot another strong stream of gas. If you do not see it, you may have to check your spring/diaphram installation or the nozzles are clogged. How did the gas smell (in particular the older gas), if it smelled like old paint varnish, you are going to have to use Chemtool (don't get overspray on painted surfaces or rubber parts).
The carb has a brass "tower" where the fuel shoots from and it does come out strong. Then stops after the throttle goes a certain amount. The old gas smelled like gas but didn't look good at all.