Gonna do a good wash on the bike this week, so when I empty the right side bag, I'll come back and tell you what I had in it!
From memory, it sounds like smitty's bag. tools, rain gear, pledge. cloths....
I know I was carrying a flexible screwdriver in there for a while, because I re-jetted and had to play with idle a lot (FINALLY got it right). And an "ove-glove" (one of those gloves that are for the kitchen, letting you grab 500 degree pans!)... i use it to work on something when the bike is HOT... I don't have to wait for it to cool before starting to FIX IT!
lots of sockets and allen wrenches... oh, and a small rubber mallet (fixes EVERYTHING!!!)
I also bought a couple of LED flashers... they work as "flares" if I break down at night, but more importantly, I hang them on the back rest if I get caught out in the rain (especially at night)..... they really get cagers' attention when they come flying up on me at 70 MPH and are hydroplaning!!!
I know I also have 2 spark plugs, Oil, and a SQUISHED quarter roll of paper towels! OH, and super-glue, zip ties, bungee cords, and some velcro cable ties (these work good for closing off pant legs when it gets COLD!!!).
*funny that smitty mentione d the spare sensor, since I JUST replaced mine within the last few weeks!!!*