Windzone EK 1HD tool kit, w/ 1/4" 12 pt socket that the kit did not contain, tire plugs, an mini compressor,and a couple light sticks.
Thread shows a lot of good stuff. Usually when going on a long trip, in a group, someone has thought of most of these things, one guy'll make a list and everyone shares the responcibility of packn' something. If your alone, besides a good tool kit (Bikers Choice make a good one too), tire plug kit w/co2 tire refill, wire, ties and tape......all this stuff comes in handy and we have had to use all of it. As far as parts go we usually try to carry a shifting lever and linkage rod, extra fuses, a coupla 1157 light bulbs, various nuts and bolts, small chunk of fuel/oil line, some hose clamps, a clutch and a break lever. Seems like most anything else'll get ya a ride on the hook. This stuff don't take a lot of room and you can put it in the bottom of your bags so you don't have to mess with it unless ya got a problem. I usually keep stuff wrapped up in shop rags and slide my saddle bag liners in on top of it so if I need it all I gotta do is pull the liner out.I have a softail heritage but I'm going to ask the question here because it applies more to touring bikes. Do you normally keep any type of small tool kit, parts, etc... in your bike? If so what items do you carry? Anything different on long trips? Thanks!!!
I believe the Harley kit comes with:I did not get a HD tool kit with my 2001 Heritage, used bike, but I can surely make one up. What all comes in the standard HD tool kit? Also, I seem to recall Glider printing out a whole list of stuff that should/could be carried onboard the bike.
Also, just a small note here - I see that IF you post a "reply to thread" you get all the little smiley faces etc on the right hand side, IF you just hit 'quick reply" you dont! Answered my own question.
Thanks - I am gonna have to make up my own toolkit. Shouldn't be too much of a big deal - I have most all of that stuff in my shop now. Thanks again for the list. Thank you too Glider for your list - elsewhere here.I believe the Harley kit comes with:
3 special flat chrome combo wrenches, 1 with a rear axel nut size box end (22mm?) and the other end is a 5/8" for the front axel nut, 1 has open ends 9/16" and 1/2", I think, and 7/16" and 3/8" built in the handel, the last 1 has open ends 14mm and 12mm, I think, and 10mm and 8mm built in the handel. It has a scerwdriver handle with 2 double ended torx blades, 1 double ended straight and 1 double ended phillips blade, a set of allen wrenches, a pair of cheap plyers and two tee handel spark plug wrenches (a 5/8" short one and a 5/8" long one. The screw driver shank will fit into the holes for the tee handels. I might be wrong but, I think that's about it.