OK Jack as I understand,, the lifter has .200 travel , the pushrod should be adjusted to about .100 of that travel for best operation.
If you want to readjust an installed set of adjustables, you should need to pump up the lifters before adding adjustment, or am I misunderstanding something.
July 26 Old Post but I am back on to HELP...
MY first help post and GLAD to be back here on HDT.........
Remember I don't want TROUBLE and any answer I give is JUST That My ANSWER.....
Lifters Do Not need to be filled with oil... Soaking them in oil does little to get oil inside...
Lifters have a spring pressure to Hold them FULLY UP... If you take your time you Can Feel where that "0" lash starts... Not with a wrench but With Your Fingers adjusting out to "0".... THEN count the turns needed from there.
You'll feel Light pressure as the oil in the lifter is not full and the adjustment will work just as good as a full oil lifter... Just be careful to FEEL where "0" Starts... and Carefully Count...
On the 24 per inch, I never go Less than 3.0T to 3.5 as a good setting.
Just my way
Lifters do have about .200 of travel Most measure at .210 to .220......
On 24 threads per inch the MOST you can trust the Deepest adjustment is 4Turns.
That puts you at .166 and that is being close to the bottoming out you should ever go.
I am a believer to use More than the said 2.5 T on a 24per" pushrod...
I have had good response at 3T or 3.5T and Once when the lifters were worn out enough I went Deeper to the 4T and they were renewed back to life and quiet...
Note that I am NOT saying to go that deep but When I did, I had the SE255's in my 09 King sounding like new lifters and NO Problems were had.
Just Say'n What I Do...."NOT BY ANY BOOK":55: