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Any thoughts on fuel tuners?

I'd like a little imput on fuel management. I'm looking at an Arlen Ness Big Shot 2 and a Vance and Hinzes Fuel Pak. I'd like to put one or the other on my 06 Road King Police. It's stock except for Samson fishtail slipons and a Pro R Hyper charger. Any thoughts? Shovelrocker
I'm with Hobbit on the TFI. Added one a while ago to my '99 Ultra after doing a roller chain conversion and adding a set of Andrews 26N's and Bick Sucker a/c. Had a set of V&H on the bike already. TFI works great, nicely priced, easy to follow directions and really good customer service. Plus, they work really well.....
Check out the Accell auto tune. You can find them on ebay for about $350.00 No dyno, no maps, sounds great but i have no experience with them.
check them all out, HD download, SERT, SEST, TFI, PCV, TMAT(I'm sure I missed some too). Do your homework before you pick because there's lots of good choices out there. Personally, I'm very happy w/ my PCV with autotune and I won't badmouth the others because I have zero experience with them.
On my 08, I have done the download, the TFI, the PC III USB, and the SERT. The TFI was probably my favorite and the most economical. It's great for adding fuel to that thirsty pig. However, if you plan on ever doing cams, or anything that will drive the need to adjust anything more than fuel you may look at biting the bullet and doing the SERT w/ a dyno tune. It's pricey, but you will not be disappointed w/ the results. The PCIII/V can be tuned and the V has an autotuner option ($$), but they work as a piggy back on your existing EFI module. This to me, opens up to a possibility of a failure and leaving you with an untuned bike. The SERT reprograms your EFI and there is nothing to piggyback. It all depends on what you want to do.
I think that you will find that the TFI will fit all the requirements that you are looking to do.Many, many, posts on this here on HD. They are a great company to do business with and if you are a vet they will give you half off. And as I said before so easy to program my wife and daughter did it for me when I had my heart attack. My classic runs great! Good luck on what you decide.
check them all out, HD download, SERT, SEST, TFI, PCV, TMAT(I'm sure I missed some too). Do your homework before you pick because there's lots of good choices out there. Personally, I'm very happy w/ my PCV with autotune and I won't badmouth the others because I have zero experience with them.

I'm with B-1 here on a couple of his points and commend him on his statements -1st- Do your homework,its your bike your money. 2nd - I have the Fuel-pak and so far I'm happy. 3rd - wont badmouth any of the rest due to zero experience with them also!
I've been looking at picking up a TFI - I can purchase one off of e-bay for about 50 bucks less than buying direct from Dobeck. What's your opinion on this? I wouldn't mind saving the money, but not at the expense of support.