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Defend your right to loud pipes!

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I ride in the east coast, jersey, new york, ect. up here loud pipes dont mean squat, i have a fatboy with vance pipes, and lights out the gazoo{neon} and almost get hit every time i go out. i say we ride while we can and when they crack down...change them and keep riding. my bike is a fatboy with or without loud pipes.:)
Above all else:
Riding or driving on public roads are a privilege, not a right, and are dependent on obeying the law.
I find this debate very similar to another that's been going on for a long time- cigarettes. Change the word pipes to cigarettes and the word loud to smoke. For far to long smokers thought they had the right to invade the air that other people breathe with their foul, disgusting smoke and believed their right to smoke was more important than other peoples right to breathe smoke free air-WRONG. People got tired of it and started speaking up and complaining. So now more and more communities are banning smoking in public places. If smokers would have been more respectful of others maybe it wouldn't have come to this. The smoking bans were needed because smokers wouldn't show respect to non-smokers. And now that there are to many bikers with loud pipes that don't respect the rights of others the time has come that people are speaking up and since there are more non-riders than riders, they have a louder voice and local officials have no choice but to listen if they want to keep their jobs and we will all pay the price. Some people think we have to many laws and regulations and maybe we do; but unfortunately some of them have become necessary. I have after market pipes that are definitely louder that stock but not near as loud as some others that I've heard, but I don't rev it up in residential areas. And I don't set at stop light rolling on the throttle as to say "Look at me, I've got a Harley ,ain't I cool."

I hope I haven't offended anyone by using my right of freedom of expression and I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable summer of riding. Let's be careful out there.

David I agree with this except for one thing, in the 1940's or 50's I can guaranty that the number of smokers in the US outnumbered the nonsmokers so it was common place to smoke anywhere you wanted to. Many years later and some research done finds that smoking is hazardous to your health and the number of nonsmokers outnumbered smokers hence laws being changed. Yes I am a smoker, but I'm going to try and drop this nasty habit this year. (See even I know it's a nasty habit). In wisconsin it is perfectly legal to sit at a bar and smoke until July 5th of this year, if I'm in a bar drinking or eating and I have someone sitting next to me that don't smoke I am curteous enough to ask that person if they mind if I smoke. So I think the bottom line here is about being curteous if you have upgraded your pipes to something a little louder. Sorry about the diatribe on the smoking to get to my point.
Above all else:
Riding or driving on public roads are a privilege, not a right, and are dependent on obeying the law.

Jack, you make a point. I can tell you that the right to assemble is a right granted by the constitution and may be used to change laws or influence legislators. I can also tell you roads are built using taxes. If you attempt to say taxation is a law too that must be obeyed, I may remind you of the Boston Tea Party that spawned the American Revolution giving birth to our great nation. With that said, our founding fathers never would have expected this country's citizens to not act, within legal limits, to influence Democracy as implied.
The point is their driving all these WACKED out laws down our throats and their not done yet, mark my words. Vote them OUT!
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