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Defend your right to loud pipes!

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I'm sure you all have heard sound system's in the young kid's cars that make even loud pipes sound quiet. Shouldn't those be outlawed too, and they talk on thier cell phone at the same time.:newsmile055:
Its just ny opinion but I am 48 years old and dont and havent needed a babysitter or a big brother for some time now.If i am being intrusive to someones world all they would have to do is come be person enough to talk face to face and maybe give me a wake up call and it would get worked out ( some way or the other) but the last thing we need is MORE LAWS! If they would or even could inforce the laws we have now it might be different. the insurance co has got us tying ourselves in a car even though I dont remember voting on such a law. the special intrest groups are trying to force thier way of thinking and liveing on me , without a majoity vote from us, the people whom it effects directly! When a person can kill another person and pay for it for 20 maybe more maybe less years, and a person can get in trouble for not paying thier taxes and be financially destroyed for the rest of thier lives, only tells me one thing! as a goverment they dont care about you! they care about your money feeding thier ideas and agendas! but agian thats just my opinion! JUST VENTING!
Well we have certainly covered the spectrum of opinions here. As was explained earlier in this post all the conversations we have here don't really change anyones thoughts or convictions, only the ones who will get involved on the local or national level will make any difference. Like it or not the quotation from Holmes is as close to the mark when it comes to our personel freedoms. You do not have the right to infringe on anyone elses freedoms, and yes loud pipes when used in a setting where it bothers another person is too loud. We in the biking community have got to learn to start policing ourselves or someone will do it for us. Sound levels have been set for auto sound systems, leaf blowers, air boats, semi trucks etc. Some communities have put curfews on when and where you can run an airboat, or leaf blower. Back in my youth you could be charged with "Disturbing The Peace" if you bothered your neighbor after a certain hour, Over the years the legal system keeps putting a finer edge on this type of law.
I find this debate very similar to another that's been going on for a long time- cigarettes. Change the word pipes to cigarettes and the word loud to smoke. For far to long smokers thought they had the right to invade the air that other people breathe with their foul, disgusting smoke and believed their right to smoke was more important than other peoples right to breathe smoke free air-WRONG. People got tired of it and started speaking up and complaining. So now more and more communities are banning smoking in public places. If smokers would have been more respectful of others maybe it wouldn't have come to this. The smoking bans were needed because smokers wouldn't show respect to non-smokers. And now that there are to many bikers with loud pipes that don't respect the rights of others the time has come that people are speaking up and since there are more non-riders than riders, they have a louder voice and local officials have no choice but to listen if they want to keep their jobs and we will all pay the price. Some people think we have to many laws and regulations and maybe we do; but unfortunately some of them have become necessary. I have after market pipes that are definitely louder that stock but not near as loud as some others that I've heard, but I don't rev it up in residential areas. And I don't set at stop light rolling on the throttle as to say "Look at me, I've got a Harley ,ain't I cool."

I hope I haven't offended anyone by using my right of freedom of expression and I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable summer of riding. Let's be careful out there.
I hope I haven't offended anyone by using my right of freedom of expression

Just one other thing, you have no such rights here on this forum.

I'm not saying I disagree with much of what you said but "rights" are not always what we think they are.
Just one other thing, you have no such rights here on this forum.

I'm not saying I disagree with much of what you said but "rights" are not always what we think they are.

Actually I do have the right to express myself the way want on this forum because I Know What language is not allowed here and it is not problem for me because I never use that language. If I use the phrase "Gosh dang-it" People who know me know that I'm upset about something. I'm not saying I'm a saint or even close to being one. And I'm a very long way from being a genius, but I smart enough to express myself without using foul language.

Again I hope my views haven't offended anyone.
Have you guys ever heard or read someone else's words and thought:

"I wish I had said THAT!!"

That about sums up EXACTLY how I feel about every word in your post David.

Thanks Richard!

I'm not sure what the sarcasm is all about, but David happens to be right.

As long as the rules are followed, we certainly encourage opinion!

That said, we do NOT encourage thinly veiled attacks on the way the forum is run, which is what you're doing.

I strongly suggest you either speak freely, or quit the insinuations.

Someone said earlier in this thread they believed we were close to having to close this thread.

It would be awfully sad to have to do it because of nonsense about forum rules again.

Somewhat Ironically Richard, I was the one that suggested this thread may be close to being closed. And it was because of some flaming that was happening.
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The thing about laws and regulations is they tend to be too extreme. That's why it's good to voice your concerns and ensure the opposing view is well represented. If not, they are off balance.

That's how it works. Two extreme and opposite views are hashed out and create a watered down abiguous and subjectively enforced by-law.

I love my pipes and love my neighbours and like to think I respectfully show my appreciation to both.

I don't like big brother telling me what my mother already taught me but, I understand that's the reality of the world we live in.

This thread is an accurate representation of the various opinions on this one topic which indicates why these laws end up being created and passed. And we all have a common love for things of 2 or 3 wheels. Imagine those that don't even understand motorcycles.
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