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Defend your right to loud pipes!

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Hey whats up.....Just sold my 2010 road glide with catalytic converters....completely silent on the road....Never knew what gear I was in or could not ride without keeping my eyes on the rpm's. Keep the older bikes because all will be phased out in time.
I'm not getting the opinion that we have a 'right' to loud pipes. I also don't understand where the EPA has gotten so powerful. I also don't get the view that someone's right to loud pipes supercedes someone else's right to peace and quiet.

I have V&H pipes with 2" baffles. What is "loud but not obnoxious loud" is subjective to the person listening Those that would have the view that they have a right to be as loud as they want is more important than those that have a different view is beyond logic.

But this whole argument of our right to loud pipes is rediculous. Use the 1st Amendment as an example. I may have the right to freedom of speech. That doesn't equate to the right to be heard.

Use the 2nd amendment...I have the right to bear arms, doesn't mean I can set up a target and start shooting in my backyard in my residential neighborhood.

End rant.

This is exactly what I'm talking about! The citizens that got together to sign the petition were heard over the passive folks that float along taking whatever comes their way. If folks (even outside of Maine) don't hit the Maine Senators and Representatives, then this will spread like wild fire. Politicians are watching to see if bikers will rally for this cause and be heard. If nothing happens, the surrounding states will follow suit and then laws will be passed at a federal level. Notice how the picture showed a Harley...I wish they'd consider how many fundraising community events bikers do.
Speaking of car alarms...that's where regulation needs to happen. They create noise pollution and are way to sensitive. We should also regulate how loud stereos can go in cars...those bother people as well. So is it really the average after market pipes?

Seaside Heights NJ they do and a no cruising law If you go up and down the boulevard too many times.
If we don't start STANDING UP for our " RIGHTS" we won't have any at all. Vote these scumbags out while we STILL can. TAKE BACK AMERICA before Hugo or China does. Stand tall, GOD BLESS AMERICA, but not the scumbags that run it.:mgun I feel a little better know. THANX:USA:USA:USA
No matter your opinion, it all boils down to common sense! Some got it and some don't... And yes, I also still have my stock exhaust system for when the day comes! Government oversight is expanding at light speed, so it's just a matter of time before we ALL will be crying the blues. The day will come when we won't be able to make any mods to our scooters. The problem really boils down to the fact that there are to many people... But it is fun to stir up the L-7's when ever ya can... Remember the L-7's the next time you rap off your drag pipes, rap em load and rap them long.... :laugh
Regardless of whether you like LOUD orsoft the purpose of this thread was to make everyone aware that they have a voice. Arguing back and forth on this forum is entertaining and many valid points have been made. However the only real way to make you point is to write to you congressman/woman or senator and let them know how you feel. While we argue they are making decisions that THEY feel we want. So lets TELL them how we really feel. Open up a second window (don't leave and send an email about how you feel. If enough people do it then it may actually work.:bigsmiley11:
The unfortunate part of this is is that the way our government is currently functioning this will probably be under the umbrella of the EPA.

The other unfortunate thing is, they don't listen to anyone and it appears they don't answer to anyone either.

How did this happen?
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