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Defend your right to loud pipes!

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First off , takeing your loud pipes should not be your focus. its your freedom thats at stake! Hum just THINK! ITS NOT THE LOUD PIPES, THE SPORT BOATING, FISHING OR HAVEING FUN THATS AT STAKE! If the people of this nation dont stop thinking so selfishly and start thinking about everyones freedom we are headed down a road of giveing back all the freedoms that every sirviceman and woman has ever fought or died for! the biggest thing to realize is the people that are attacking these freedoms are our own elected goverment that is supposed to be working for our best intrest! HA!

wake up america!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with you, Smitty and others! We are losing a lot of privelages, rights or whatever you call them. When I was a kid, most shorelines were public property and easy to fish, now they're all closed off and patrolled. Make no mistake, I don't agree with obnoxiously loud pipes...there has to be reason. I'm simply saying that if you will occasionally hit those links and let your Senators and House Members know how you feel and contribute to rider clubs that lobby for you, then your children and their children may never experience the low rumble of our HDs. This year is an election year for the House of Reps...a great time to get their attention! A lot of military members have sacrificed a lot...don't let it be in vain! A Demoracy lost is one not practiced.
All I have to say is "I Was Riding Harleys Before They Became A Fashion Statement" If you like loud pipes run them if not dont!!!!!!!:panic
Loud pipes are not the problem, people are the problem. I like loud pipes, but I see all the time people hammering on them when and where they should not. Just so they can get "noticed". If people had respect and common sense when and where to bark the pipes, we would have no issue. So as long as we have stupid people, we will have stupid laws. I have loud pipes but I try to be decent with them when and where I should be. I really don't want to be noticed.:s

Plus 1
When I read the posts on this site, I often see folks saying that democracy is fading and our rights are being squashed. I completely agree with you and usually catch myself getting a little frustrated...much like the signers of the Declaration of Independence. I also read arguments about loud pipes and how the EPA is closing in on our rights to have them. Rather you agree with them or not, any rider that has loud pipes will tell you that when you're approaching cars on the roadways, the passengers usually look out the window to catch a glimpse of a piece of nostalgia (Harley). With that said, it stands to reason that they (loud pipes) do save lives when traveling in the blind spots of drivers not paying attention. While I don't agree with a lot of things that are legal, I'm always cautious when it comes to encroachment of rights. While I can't necessarily say where I work, I can tell you that Congress has to answer the mail (e-mail too) and they have to pay attention if they want to get elected every two years (House). With that said, it is important that you voice your opinion on this and other issues on a regular basis. Simply go to United States House of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session or U.S. Senate to find your Congressman's homepage and click the e-mail link. If you don't you may be riding in complete silence and lose a piece of Americana...besides, what would a Harley be without loud pipes!

Be careful what you ask for, getting more legistlative involvement could mean more laws against the very thing your trying to promote.
This wouldn't be an issue if

those with really loud pipes didn't go out their way to cause what can only be descibed as 'noise pollution' Some say it's their right to make so much noise when they ride that 'their rights' supercede the rights of everyone else who have the right to not have their hearing or peaceful lives rudely interrupted. My bike has aftermarket pipes but nothing like those drag pipes some guys run and then brag about how many car alarms they set off. There has to be a guideline as to what is overboard so that everybodies 'rights' are protected. I guess it comes down to respect. Do those with outrageously loud pipes have any for others?
those with really loud pipes didn't go out their way to cause what can only be descibed as 'noise pollution' Some say it's their right to make so much noise when they ride that 'their rights' supercede the rights of everyone else who have the right to not have their hearing or peaceful lives rudely interrupted. My bike has aftermarket pipes but nothing like those drag pipes some guys run and then brag about how many car alarms they set off. There has to be a guideline as to what is overboard so that everybodies 'rights' are protected. I guess it comes down to respect. Do those with outrageously loud pipes have any for others?

Speaking of car alarms...that's where regulation needs to happen. They create noise pollution and are way to sensitive. We should also regulate how loud stereos can go in cars...those bother people as well. So is it really the average after market pipes?
Re: This wouldn't be an issue if

More grist to this mill!

Those of us that dont like loud pipes CANT really avoid listening to them.Especially those pipes that stop conversations as the Dude and his Scoot thunder past.Most of us like Mellifluous music;not a Discordant din.

I imagine that in the U.S you're facing much the same anti-noise legislation as we are in OZ.

Every single time a Biker blasts past people with obnoxiously loud pipes,it's another nail in our Minority coffin.

I think Walleye's post summed it up succinctly.There's a time and a place for everything,as well as respecting all others right to peace and (relative)quiet.And for those that say they have a right to have loud pipes,surprise:you probably dont!

Almost any modification to your exhaust system violates the EPA rules and regs(in the U.S) and the ADR's(inOZ),and technically renders your bike illegal or unroadworthy.Expect this to become a major factor in your not so distant future.

When the time comes -and it is-and all of us must have 70db pipes,remember it wasn't me or the thoughtful ones that forced them upon US.

Feel free to vent your various spleens upon my post.
How loud is loud? I have aftermarket pipes but they don't shatter windows or ear drums. Are mine annoying? Maybe to some, but I don't toot my horn in residential neighborhoods or in town. Disturbing the peace of others is not why I bought aftermarket pipes. A little better sound and performance, nothing more. Most towns and citys have noise regulation laws which is a good thing. Remember the kid driving around around with his windows down and 20 JBL base speakers in his trunk playing rap music? Thats annoying, but he's only making a statement in his view. Were our own worst enemy thinking we have the right to annoy the general public with obnoxious deafening pipes. Glad I kept my stock pipes, I may need them in the future.
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