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Defend your right to loud pipes!

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Oliver Wendell Holmes said it best when he said, "The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins." The same holds true for the smoke from our cigarettes, the bullets from our guns, the vulgarity from our lips, and the noise from our pipes.

Be considerate of others when going through residential areas. Your consideration will help to improve our image, and in turn it will generate respect for our acquired tastes and hobbies... whether it be loud or soft pipes.

There is NO right to loud pipes, but there IS a right to the "peaceful enjoyment of one's property" (which means not being disturbed by your's or mine).
Oliver Wendell Holmes said it best when he said, "The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins." The same holds true for the smoke from our cigarettes, the bullets from our guns, the vulgarity from our lips, and the noise from our pipes.

Be considerate of others when going through residential areas. Your consideration will help to improve our image, and in turn it will generate respect for our acquired tastes and hobbies... whether it be loud or soft pipes.

There is NO right to loud pipes, but there IS a right to the "peaceful enjoyment of one's property" (which means not being disturbed by your's or mine).

I would much rather hear the sound of my loud pipes than the neighbors never-ending, annoying, barking dogs. When it comes to defending the right to do what we love most, ring our bikes, evryone who doesn't is just full of better, new ways to keep us down. I know there are some who take loudness to the extreme, but that happens in every facet of life.

See how that holds up in court... Example: Go inside the city limits of Myrtle Beach, SC with loud pipes and let "Barney" catch ya... I'll bet you'll be paying a Fine. :newsmile093:

Too many people today telling what we can and can't do; our elected officials do not represent the majority of their constituents; they represent their own personal views. As long as I am respectful of others I should be able to run "loud by whose standards pipes". I don't complain about my nieghbors crying kids or stray dogs or their loud music, I don't rap my pipes or make noise in and out of neighborhood during off hours, and I don't know of too many riders/bikers that will be spending any of their money in Myrtle Beach.
nothing better than a well tuned,hi performance sound,nothing worse than a super loud stock bike,joe cool sitting there,rapping the pipes off the revlimiter,being loud just for the sake of being loud
Loud pipes are not the problem, people are the problem. I like loud pipes, but I see all the time people hammering on them when and where they should not. Just so they can get "noticed". If people had respect and common sense when and where to bark the pipes, we would have no issue. So as long as we have stupid people, we will have stupid laws. I have loud pipes but I try to be decent with them when and where I should be. I really don't want to be noticed.:s

+1. I too appreciate the rumble of a well tuned V twin but don't want my ears to bleed. I have run SEII's on my EGC but now run the stock pipes. The SEII's weren't that loud and I am sure did not bother anyone else, but my wife and I realized they were too loud for touring as ears hurt after awhile.

I don't ride to impress or to fit an image..I ride cause I love bikes and I ride a Harley b/c it is an American Icon and I love America. There is a guy in my neighborhood who owns a VStar with LOUD pipes. He loves to twist the wick and listen to the sound reverberating throughout the neighborhood. What he doesn't hear is the neighbor's complaining to each other and, on one occasion, calling the Sheriff's Office. He has woken up sleeping babies, frightened live stock and has throughly irritated everyone. THIS is the type that gives bikers bad names and will get loud pipes banned. I personally don't mind loud pipes within reason.

For instance, I love the deep rumble you hear when passed on the highway by a group of Harley's loping along at 70 mph. It is cool and appeals to my "primeval" side. I don't like idiots like the one mentioned above who abuse everyone else with his pipes.
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A harley isn't a harley without the sound . As much as all the other rice bunners have tried to duplicate it with their v-twins they just can't do it period . Harley riders come from all walks of life , young , old , blue and white collar workers . No one group is better or worse than the other . My train has v&h big shots with baffels , if i really get on it yes it's loud but if i ride it normal it's not that loud . If i'm going threw a neighborhood late at night i try to keep quiet out of respect for the people there . As far as having a right to loud pipes there isn't anything that tells me i have that right , that's why i respect other people and their opinions , everyone does have the right to their own opinion weather right or wrong . I do have the right to bear arms and i do bear arms if fact several of them . God bless america ! The only way they can take my guns is to pry my cold dead fingers from the trigger .
This is exactly what I'm talking about! The citizens that got together to sign the petition were heard over the passive folks that float along taking whatever comes their way. If folks (even outside of Maine) don't hit the Maine Senators and Representatives, then this will spread like wild fire. Politicians are watching to see if bikers will rally for this cause and be heard. If nothing happens, the surrounding states will follow suit and then laws will be passed at a federal level. Notice how the picture showed a Harley...I wish they'd consider how many fundraising community events bikers do.

Just a quick question... What does fundraising community bike events have to do with loud pipes? Are you saying it's ok to have loud pipes if you do fundraisers? :swoon

How about the people that contribute to the United Way? Should they have a say about loud pipes? Should they get special dispensation for some other thing they want to do that may offend a portion of the public? And all because they raise money? :laugh

Or are you implying that if loud pipes are banded, harley riders will stop doing fund raisers? :p

Another quick question for the loud pipes save lives folks... If you are on the highway doing 75 and are passing a car doing 65, does the sound of your pipes arrive before or after you pass?:bigsmiley11:

Rant on:

All motorcycles come from the factory with equipment to meet the federal guidelines for sound levels. Are those levels too restrictive? Yes, I think so. Should loud/straight pipes be allowed? Yes. Should I have to hear 'em? No. Do I have stock pipes? No. Are they straight pipes? No. They are Screaming Eagles with baffles. Are they loud. Yes and no. I can make them loud by twisting the throttle. Do I do that in residential areas? No.

A little consideration goes a long way. But some people think it's their right to inject their version of "noise regulations (loud pipes)" into my home at 3:00am. These are the stupids that will have all motorcycles, not just harleys, sounding like a vespa.

As much as we think we can educate the loud pipes folks to be considerate, sometimes you just can't fix stupid. These folks were stupid yesterday and will be stupid tomorrow. They are the ones twisting the throttle late at night. They are the ones that like to hear their pipes in the quiet neighborhoods. They are the ones that think they have the right to be as loud as possible. I place them in the same catagory as the rebels without a clue that have their car stereos turned up to rattle windows. And both deserve tickets.

The loud pipes folks will be the first ones to cry foul when local regulations are passed to put an end to the noise they create. The thing is, they won't understand that they caused the regulations to be passed. They'll just whine, cry and stomp their feet and say "Why, we didn't do anything wrong.":newsmile08:
/rant off
Doesn't it all depend on how loud is loud. I have seen/heard pipes that I thought would never pass a sound test by Barney and they passed with flying colors. The issue is that if at any time the sound goes past the peak limit, you are toast and get a nice little ticket. A HD v-twin by design has more peak sound volume than an import bike so you might actually be quieter than a GP-piped Busa overall but still fail the test.

I read an article that said another big issue was the the sound limit is that it is not consistent by state or even by city within a state.

Personally, loud is not an issue as long as its a good loud.
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