Motorcycle Adventure, Day 26
Well, this mornings weather is a far cry from what it was yesterday afternoon. Clear sky, no wind and cool. I left Charles City, IA at 0545 and arrived at Huntington, WV at 2100, so it was a long day in the saddle. I did 848.2 miles today and needless to say I am tired, but within east striking distance of getting home tomorrow. I ran into a couple of bikers from Tennessee about 60 miles west of Cincinnati, OH. They were on the way home from a three week trip to Las Vegas. They didn’t even make it there due to the severe storms along the route they had taken. I was so close to many of them but was spared; for that I am surely grateful. Today was all interstate riding, but I couldn’t help marvel at the acreage I saw growing crops; it went on for hundreds of miles and that is only a fraction of what is out there. Most of today’s pictures are from the cockpit and I cant remember which bridge is what. One was over the Mississippi River, the other was over the Ohio River. A few pictures to follow.