Active Member
Ohh Rah!!!! Very Well stated Devil Dog!:devil:small3d018:
Semper Fi!
Ohh Rah!!!! Very Well stated Devil Dog!:devil:small3d018:
Semper Fi!
Randall, You don't have a Clue do you? The MAN is a disabled Veteran keeping America Free so you can Enjoy yourself. Hope you get a well deserved Vacation for what you said.
First and foremost, thank you for all the positive is greatly appreciated and I am humbled and honored to be here with all of you...many Veteran's, or just others who understand and appreciate what those of us who did serve did.
Secondly, Glider, I apologize for the derogatory remark I made in my post....I thought it innocent but it is your forum and I must adhere to the standards you have implemented.
I have rarely encountered people such as Mr many ways I feel for them in their ignorance and especially him viewing us as "welfare" cases I take extreme prejudice to...the arrogance and audacity in his thinking just blows my mind and can't comprehend how one could actually believe that train of thought.
God forbid I want to learn something that I would enjoy to pursue in the comfort and safety of my own home for myself and my friends who ride...which incidentally would never charge my friends just ask that they purchase the parts used and my supplies I use (hardware, fluids, materials etc. which I think is fair).
I would love to see what happened to Mr Wilson if he made such statements at one of our KIA's funeral's where the Patriot Guard Riders are present or near a military installation. I don't think Mr Wilson would fare too well over the encounter.