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Motorcycle Mechanics Institute Harley Davidson Program

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First and foremost, thank you for all the positive is greatly appreciated and I am humbled and honored to be here with all of you...many Veteran's, or just others who understand and appreciate what those of us who did serve did.

Secondly, Glider, I apologize for the derogatory remark I made in my post....I thought it innocent but it is your forum and I must adhere to the standards you have implemented.

I have rarely encountered people such as Mr many ways I feel for them in their ignorance and especially him viewing us as "welfare" cases I take extreme prejudice to...the arrogance and audacity in his thinking just blows my mind and can't comprehend how one could actually believe that train of thought.

God forbid I want to learn something that I would enjoy to pursue in the comfort and safety of my own home for myself and my friends who ride...which incidentally would never charge my friends just ask that they purchase the parts used and my supplies I use (hardware, fluids, materials etc. which I think is fair).

I would love to see what happened to Mr Wilson if he made such statements at one of our KIA's funeral's where the Patriot Guard Riders are present or near a military installation. I don't think Mr Wilson would fare too well over the encounter.

While I have never served in our Armed Forces, that does not diminish my respect for all of those who have and continue to do so today. I cannot express my graditude enough for all of you defending the freedoms that so many take for granted each day. Take advantage of as many programs as you can. I know you've earned each and every one! :small3d018:
Randall, You don't have a Clue do you? The MAN is a disabled Veteran keeping America Free so you can Enjoy yourself. Hope you get a well deserved Vacation for what you said.

He got better than a vacation, he got a reality check! Thank you Glider!

Mr. VAC, thank GOD for you and your compassion and thank you for your service, from me and my family. You are a true American and I stand and salute you.

Thank you for defending all of us, including the ignorant (for without them we wouldn't realize how blessed and thankful we all are), please know 99.99% of us truly recognize your sacrifice, as well as all of the sacrifices of those that came before you, I am sorry you have to defend yourself (you really don't, that is why the ignorant are called that, they should be ignored). GOD Bless!

All gave some, some gave all!
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Thank you for your service and sacrafice. As a graduate of The Citadel, and an ex-USAF pilot and officer, I have the utmost respect for you guys who put themselves in harms' way everyday of their deployment.

I have a friend who was in the financial aid/student placement office at MMI in Orlando, FL. He had nothing but good things to say about the school's curriculum and educational program. He din't have as nice a things to say about its cost and the starting pay these folks receive after going through this pretty robust tech school. However, since you're using it for your own benefit as hobbyist they wouldn't come into play.
VA Benefits welfare? A somewhat off outlook on that program. I happened to attend college back in the 70's with a lot of returning Vietnam vets who used those benefits to earn their civilian pilot and A&P credentials. Without that program, most would have never been able to return and enter into a decent job and a decent life.

Maybe you consider the disability payments welfare? If you want to see welfare abuse, swing by my jurisdiction in NJ. that's abuse.

In any case, good luck with the training. a good friend's son will be attending the Phoenix location this year.

Thank you for your service cannot be said enough. Very well explained but then remmeber "If i have to explain you wouldn't understand" ever heard that be fore. Apparently some will never get it Thanks again and forever

Leog keep the dirty side down, Ride Safe
While I never served in the armed forces my brother was a Vietnam vet and Randall probably would have been one of the protesters waiting at the airports for their return. I want to personally thank you for your service to your country and say that the benefits you're receiving cannot even come close to compensating you for your service. You are entitled to them and should take full advantage of them. I hope Randall learns a little respect for our veterans or at least learn to keep his negative opinions of them to himself before he's removed from the gene pool by someone. Again thank you for your service and God Bless.
First and foremost, thank you for all the positive is greatly appreciated and I am humbled and honored to be here with all of you...many Veteran's, or just others who understand and appreciate what those of us who did serve did.

Secondly, Glider, I apologize for the derogatory remark I made in my post....I thought it innocent but it is your forum and I must adhere to the standards you have implemented.

I have rarely encountered people such as Mr many ways I feel for them in their ignorance and especially him viewing us as "welfare" cases I take extreme prejudice to...the arrogance and audacity in his thinking just blows my mind and can't comprehend how one could actually believe that train of thought.

God forbid I want to learn something that I would enjoy to pursue in the comfort and safety of my own home for myself and my friends who ride...which incidentally would never charge my friends just ask that they purchase the parts used and my supplies I use (hardware, fluids, materials etc. which I think is fair).

I would love to see what happened to Mr Wilson if he made such statements at one of our KIA's funeral's where the Patriot Guard Riders are present or near a military installation. I don't think Mr Wilson would fare too well over the encounter.


Understood about your infraction :s

Secondly I will take this position that anyone speaking badly about the vets that defend our rights to be here in free America and speak as we do will be removed in the future for downing any VET that posts on the forum instead of just a vacation. Make no mistakes here.

I too am a vet and understand what these people do for our country.

Thank you for your service to our country!

As others have stated Thank You for your service to our great country. I have a few friends that went to the MMI here in Orlando. They all learned a lot. 2 of them are not doing anything in that form of work now (besides side work)? I don't understand why they would spend $30,000.00 on learning a trade then not use it? I think the HD one is a little more because it is longer? Good luck with it. I would much rather see the money go to someone that served our country than all the ones on welfare (I have to take a drug test to get a job but they don't to set around & get free money?) JMO
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