I would bet that Randell would have a different point of view if it was him that had to wipe the remains of his friends brains off his face. I don't think that he would call it welfare if it was his body the juice was eating away. I wonder if it would be charity if it was his body that recieved the medical attention for the cancer,heart disease,diabeties,
or what would he call it if it was his child that had problems related to the orange.
Thank you Vac,thank all that have served. As an old soldier who reguardless of my pains is still proud to have served I pray that those that have not will learn to appriciate what they take for granite! Our hero's fall so that our country will not.
Do what you must Vac and know that there are those of us that wish you well in all that you do! God Bless you...God Bless America and the men and women that keep us free!
or what would he call it if it was his child that had problems related to the orange.
Thank you Vac,thank all that have served. As an old soldier who reguardless of my pains is still proud to have served I pray that those that have not will learn to appriciate what they take for granite! Our hero's fall so that our country will not.
Do what you must Vac and know that there are those of us that wish you well in all that you do! God Bless you...God Bless America and the men and women that keep us free!