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Motorcycle Mechanics Institute Harley Davidson Program

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God bless you VACharvel and all our brothers in arms thanks for your service and I would proudly stand next to you in battle, and a well written post, to many people have absolutely no idea of the things that our brothers and sisters go through like you said they sit in their own comfortable little world that they built around them and think that freedom is free, what little do they no. I ride with the American Veterans M/C and I guarantee that they would be all fired up at this mans post. once again thank you for your service and may God ease your mind of the tragedies that you've encountered

I tried that, but since Im designated as "unemployable" and receiving SSDI benefits, I am in-eligible for VocRehab as it must lead to employment at the conclusion of the program....I'm (EDITED):lolrolling

I have made a formal request for investigation and change via Senator Webb, why I think the Post 9/11 GI Bill is flawed in that technical/skilled trades should be included in the expanded benefits available. Once that happens, I have the green light for the most part....

I've talked to Senator Webb on numerous occassions about Veteran issues, and my personal issues with the VA here in Virginia....and we are both Marine's...he was a Platoon Commander w/ 1/5 in we've built up a relationship.

Please read and understand the info in this link...

A Friendly Reminder - Harley Davidson Community


From my research online, talking with school officials, and a lot of people offline via PM and message board topics on MMI, about 95% is positive....the most resounding comment was basically you get out of the program what you put into the program which makes sense in any endeavor.

Many of the younger students with few experiences away from home are probably overwhelmed by the "big city" locale and the party atmosphere that I's sure is prevalent at the school.

Myself, I'm 39, have a wife, have a 16 year old daughter, 2 neurotic dogs, mortgage, all that fun happy adult stuff....I rarely drink and I don't use illegal/non-prescribed drugs....I'm not worried about me tackling the program an electrician, I'm very mechanical and inquisitive by nature of how things work and how the parts fit together....

I've also heard/read that since UTI is affiliated with Harley Davidson Corporate and the Harley Davidson University that it is a prerequisited to employment at a Harley dealership. How true this is I don't know....

There are other schools/programs out there such as WyoTech (used to be AMI) in Daytona, and several others but I don't think they have the factory support from Harley to the extent that MMI does...and I like how MMI breaks the Harley program into early and late model classes on Harley's...I'm taking both.

I have no illusions of working again...I just want this as a hobby, something I enjoy, helping my buddies out when I can...and something to do during my wife works, the kic is in school during the it's just me and the dogs usually....I need to keep active or I will self-destruct lol....

I'm incredibly stoked about this program....the wife is on-board with it, the VA will pay for everything including tools which I'll most likely use some of "my" money also before I leave to have a well stocked/versatile tool box....come home and set up my garage, get a lift, and get to work.
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You need to set up your shop in a trailer of some sort so you can travel the country and take care of all of us here on HD Talking!!!
thank you for your service to this country. I understand the stress on you and your family for being in the military. all I can say is that every vet should take advantage of the benifits given to them because they diserve every penny.


As a career Navy man, thank you for standing up for the EARNED rights of all veterans. I sometimes wonder at the intelligence of the people we protected during our service time. I have an aunt with a similar attitude that I have to reset occasionally. I love her, but don't particulary like her. :no

Fairwinds and following seas in your quest. :cheers
My understanding is that the school does work with the factory to establish a set of requirements for the program. I'm not so sure though that it' a prerequisite for employment at a H-D store. I do know that a grad of the program doesn't go into a dealership at any higher pay than an entry-level mechanic they'd hire that isn't. Obviously, if you have graduated from the UTI/MMI program it gives you a leg up to be selected for employment, as you've obviously got the background and desire to be in that business, over someone who hasn't. THe entry-level pay at most dealerships however makes it a bad business case, in my humble opinion, for putting out $30k+ dollars to complete the program and then getting a 25 or 30k a year job, a problem you wouldn't have in your situation.
RetiredJake: My sea-fairing brother, thanks.....I served aboard the USS Blueridge (LCC-19) and the USS Nassau (LHA-4) in my past....the Nassau being "home" for close to a year, most of it combat ops in Albania then Africa....I worked out of Flight-Deck Triage with Combat Cargo....not a whole lot of fun, but I have a new-found respect for my Navy guys are true professionals and are unsung hero's....yes, I was a Marine, but we could never do it without you guys....Salute!!

I've read and searched just about every motorcycle mechanic program in the country from both private and community colleges, then by the Harley Davidson bikes, and kept narrowing down the schools....UTI MMI has came out on top for me.

I got a phone call from Senator Webb's office today on the way to the VA for an appt....I kicked and screamed about the inequality of the new GI BIll against these programs. The DC office said that it was in the works to be changed to allow us to utilize the new program and all the associated my tuition will be completely covered. If I spend any of "my" money at all, it's going to be on tools and stuff I want.

I think they call it the Harley Davidson University, which is where they send their mechanics for follow-on training with new models/engines or whatever and also dealerships will send their techs there....and they do receive materials/video's etc. from them....

I've been reading the Snap On literature also with the is awesome!! It's called the SEP Program (Student Excellence Program) and you basically get at least 50% off list while you're attending....I'm getting the Master Tech Starter Set and the GS3) add-on, and I think we get the core kit once we complete the 30-week class on all models....think they said it was likea $1K value....but I'm sure I'll pay for it lol....but it's still a whole lot less than paying retail out of some guy's truck....

You're somewhat limited to what you can buy under the program, but it's good enough to really fill a box. Lets face it, tools are expensive anyway. I've picked out a 53" roll cab, 3 banks and 18 drawers for my bottom cab and a 4 drawer 53" top cab....that will do me nicely lol....but you're limited to the KRA series of tool boxes. No biggie....

I have a lot of Klein/Ideal/Craftsman stuff from my Electrician days....very limited mechanic stuff....just basic 1/4, 3/8, and 1/2 drives and sockets...I desperately need to upgrade....and I'll probably just grab a Craftsman air-compressor for the garage and research what lift I want to buy....then set up my garage....

Got a line on a 99 Dyna today for not a whole lot....stock....good platform to work off and mod/customize...
RetiredJake: My sea-fairing brother, thanks.....I served aboard the USS Blueridge (LCC-19) and the USS Nassau (LHA-4) in my past....the Nassau being "home" for close to a year, most of it combat ops in Albania then Africa....I worked out of Flight-Deck Triage with Combat Cargo....not a whole lot of fun, but I have a new-found respect for my Navy guys are true professionals and are unsung hero's....yes, I was a Marine, but we could never do it without you guys....Salute!!

Got a line on a 99 Dyna today for not a whole lot....stock....good platform to work off and mod/customize...

I was a submariner (nuclear trained Machinist Mate) so my time at sea did not include the blue sky and water of most sailors, but I wouldn't trade my time for anything. Spent time on 5 different boats, 3 missle boats, 1 fast attack, and one laughingly called a slow attach, a missle boat without missles that was essentially a sonar test platform.

Good luck with your bike and training.
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Hey brother thanks for your service, people that haven’t been there don’t have a clue. I wish you the best of luck with the GI bill that your tax dollars went to. Build the custom bike! :cheers

"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy course; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat." THEODORE ROOSEVELT (Paris Sorbonne,1910)
Hey brother thanks for your service, people that haven’t been there don’t have a clue. I wish you the best of luck with the GI bill that your tax dollars went to. Build the custom bike! :cheers

River Rat, I don't appreciate your comment that people who haven't been there don't have a clue. My father couldn't be in the armed forces in WWII because of health reasons and instead worked in a shipyard building Liberty Ships further worsening his health. My step-father was in the cavalry in the early 1900's when they still rode horses and had sabers. My son's best friend from high school was a member of Air Force Special Ops and was killed in Iraq two years ago. My neighbors are Army, Air Force, Marine and Navy vets. My usual riding partner served 2 tours of duty in Viet Nam and still has the mental and physical scars to show for it. I am therefore fully aware of their sacrifices.

I have contacted my elected representative to support every piece of legislation that has been proposed for the benefit of veterans. I routinely contribute to armed service relief organizations. To say that those of us who didn't serve "don't have a clue" is not only inaccurate but also an insult. A lot of us who didn't or weren't able to serve for various reasons are some of the most vocal advocates for present and former service members. It seems to me that you need to get a "clue."
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