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Nation wide helmet law ???

I don't really see this so much as the Fed Govt trying to single out motorcycle riders. If so they singled out cage drivers 20 years ago when seat belt laws became mandatory. These kind of movements make the govt look like they care about safety over everything. Or at least they seem to think it does.
As has been stated many times, there are many facets to this proposed law. I personally always wear a helmet (in my state it's mandated, but I'd do it anyway) and likewise wear my seatbelt in my cage. I support your right to decide not to wear a helmet or belt, but, like many others, I don't want to pay for the increased medical costs if you get injured. Unfortunately, with many government regs, there's always a catch; some behind the scenes maneuvering that always boils down to pure politics. The bottom line is, join groups like ABATE and always, always VOTE!!
I wear a lid about 50% of the time. Not law in TX if you have taken a MSC. Now with that in mind I layed down my bike Nov 6th this year, with out a lid on. I walked away with just a fractured thumb,(yay ARMY training, got to love the combat roll). Will I put the lid on all the time now? Doubt it. I will still ride about 50% of the time with and with out. You can sway any argument any way you want. As stated before it is all about controle, if the goverment wants us to wear pink vests with purple pokeadots they will get it passed. If that happened I would be the first one in line for the new vest. I love to ride and you will not take it away from me, at the same time I will fight to keep these bills from becoming laws.

Have a Merry Christmas, and keep both wheels on the road
No big deal, I remember when seat belts first appeared somewhere around 1966. Most people use them now and don't think to much about it. Helmets are about the same. I was not wearing one back in 1965 when I had my first wreck, but would not ride without one now. Family & wife makes a difference. I have seen first hand what some of our soldiers look like when a TBI happens.
I've been down and the helmet saved my life, therefore, I always wear one and feel naked without it. The main issue I have with non helmet injuries is that in some if not most (most referes to teenage crotch rockets with no medical insurance) cases the rider has no medical coverage. Of course, their injuries are treated, rehab completed, job benefits received, etc.
And who gets to pick up the tab.....YOU & ME

Stop whining and put it on, believe me it does not change the ride except for one thing, if you go down and I hope you never do, your chances of survival with minimal injuries is greatly enhanced.

I am one that always wears a helmet and believe it saves lives and reduces injuries! I also agree with freedom of choice and if a rider chooses not to wear one that is for them to decide. However.....I am also a firm believer in taking responsibilitiy for your choices so if you ride without a helmet....or a seat belt for that matter....and get in an accident without proper insurance you deserve to take the financial responsibility for that choice and pay the FULL bill for medical care incurred due to injuries related to not wearing safety gear. When I started riding this past year I increased my life insurance because I have chosen to take on more risk in riding and want to be sure my family is taken care of. I also wear a full face helmet and safety clothing.

It is America and Freedom of Choice is a right that should not be taken away.....but freedom of choice should include responsibility for those choices!
Not the law; it is the continued loss of freedoms and constitutional rights. I am a member of and support the UBM.
I prefer to wear a helmet because that's what I've always felt comfortable with. However, I strongly believe that it should be up to the individual. It's the same thing with seatbelts. If you dont want to wear a seatbelt that should be your option.
Wait! Wait! one more minute, here it comes! Yes, yes that's it, MICHIGAN finaly repealed their helmet law. What's this you say, theres a federal law now. DOH!
Not according to anything I can find on the net. No law in KY. Sometime I do, sometimes I don't.