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Oil Filter Poll

Oil Filter Poll

  • HD Filter

    Votes: 687 62.1%
  • Amsoil Filter

    Votes: 85 7.7%
  • Wix Filter

    Votes: 37 3.3%
  • K&N Filter

    Votes: 162 14.6%
  • Napa Filter

    Votes: 12 1.1%
  • Fram Filter

    Votes: 47 4.2%
  • Purolator Filter

    Votes: 18 1.6%
  • Hastings Filter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mobil Filter

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • OTHER (Please specify)

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
Amsoil filters! They are 98.7% efficiant at 15 microns, not the nominal 50%.
Synthetic nano-fiber media has the ability to capture more without suffering flow restriction.
Because of the efficiency rating. 5 micron @ 10-20% is not as good as 15 micron @ 98+%. Nanaofiber will hold MUCH more than celulose resulting in better flow/less restriction, and better fitration. I'll get more on this and post it...
I got a drag specialties oil filter the other day any one herd of these or use them?? sound like i should get a hd filter?
Previous owner of my Sporty used them exclusively because he liked the Drag Specialties brand. Their oil filter is longer (holds more oil, and nicely chromed), but looking inside, the filter element did not go all the way to the end, so from a "media" area point of view, it is the same as the standard length filters. No spec on actual filtration, and you must use a three finger gripping wrench to remove (puts 3 dents into the side of that slick chrome cover) as there are no flutes on the end for a cap type wrench, too slippery to use anything else except the old "screwdriver in the side trick..."!

Standard Harley filter is very hard to either chrome or black...the poll numbers speak for themselves.
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Sticking with the H-D filter. It meets all the requirements of the MoCo and I've not heard anything about it reducing engine life or doing damage so why change?

I generally stick with either Amsoil, K&N or HD filters...Which ever I can get for the best price. I live in Seoul Korea, so I generally order 3 or 4 at a time and have it shipped over here. The orders from Amsoil generally take 6 weeks or so to arrive, since I buy their oil by the case...its shipped by boat...hence the delay.
I use wix.Been to the plant and saw how they were made,also how they compare to other brands.Just a reminder to those who chose Fram,the end plates are made of cardboard not metal and we all know what happens to carbord when it gets wet.


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