I have had issues in the past with the battery not charging and having a difficult time starting the motor. -----
How long / often before replacing reg/stator???
I've also had issues with spark plugs burning out. ---
what do you mean "burning out" ? Black tips or actually burning the diode off????
Ive replaced the regulator and stator on 15 Feb 2013 hoping it would fix the charging issue and the spark plug issues, but I haven't been able to start my bike since the beginning of winter. -------
When was the last time it actually ran and how did it run i.e. sluggish , missing , fine???? Have you done anything else before or after????
" How long / often before replacing reg/stator???" i replaced the regulator and stator on said date and after reading a forum with a similar starting issue, not exactly the same but because i was planning on fixing that charging issue i figured what the heck .
"what do you mean "burning out" ? Black tips or actually burning the diode off????" just black tips and it would cause miss firing bog the bike down after a longer ride in a high heat environment.
"When was the last time it actually ran and how did it run i.e. sluggish , missing , fine???? "
As i stated the last i was able to start/run my bike was in the begining of winter,,,,and it ran fine no issues other then charging the battery and hard start = playing with the choke< but it would turn fine.
"Have you done anything else before or after????"
I have replaced spark plugs and changed the oil and tires nothing more
Does this help?