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Things You Should Never Use On Or Do To Your Bike.

Now you guys from the north can relate to this; HOWEVER, being from Sunny Florida, never thought I would experience this....Never stop at a road entry or intersection and plant your foot on (are you ready for this) a sheet of ice. I was coming out of bank drive through during most recent hard freeze and they had left their sprinklers on overnight and I missed it.:(
I now have a much greater appreciation for ball players with pulled ham strings, Oh, and trying to lift said bike with bad hammy, NO FUN:(
Bummer about the hammy, it takes a long time to heal, (depending on how bad of course), but my problem was I kept re-injuring after I thought it was better. The other really painful one is when you pull the quad muscles. I went through that once too. Ouch....

Oh yeah, stretching is good. You don't want to let that hamstring shrink up, then it really takes a long time to get back to normal. You don't want that at all.....That's experience talking. :s
Having had to deal with a rodent that ate wires on my bike while under a cover, I now cover the bike and put a few mouse and rate traps around it. If they want to eat my bike now, they have to run the mine field first.
If your bike is stored in a small poorly ventilated garage then remember to open the door BEFORE starting your bike.
Any one ever use Autosol on their bike? I've heard it is really good on chrome & aluminium

I know this is the wrong thread but autosol is what ive been using since 1976 on all my bikes
